Datasheet AD73311L (Analog Devices) - 7

HerstellerAnalog Devices
Beschreibunga Low Cost, Low Power CMOS General Purpose Analog Front End
Seiten / Seite36 / 7 — AD73311L. PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS. Pin Number. Mnemonic. Function
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AD73311L. PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS. Pin Number. Mnemonic. Function

AD73311L PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Pin Number Mnemonic Function

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AD73311L PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Pin Number Mnemonic Function
1 VOUTP Analog Output from the Positive Terminal of the Output Channel. 2 VOUTN Analog Output from the Negative Terminal of the Output Channel. 3 AVDD1 Analog Power Supply Connection for the Output Driver. 4 AGND1 Analog Ground Connection for the Output Driver. 5 VINP Analog Input to the Positive Terminal of the Input Channel. 6 VINN Analog Input to the Negative Terminal of the Input Channel. 7 REFOUT Buffered Reference Output, which has a nominal value of 1.2 V. 8 REFCAP A Bypass Capacitor to AGND2 of 0.1 µF is required for the on-chip reference. The capacitor should be fixed to this pin. 9 AVDD2 Analog Power Supply Connection. 10 AGND2 Analog Ground/Substrate Connection. 11 DGND Digital Ground/Substrate Connection. 12 DVDD Digital Power Supply Connection. 13 RESET Active Low Reset Signal. This input resets the entire chip, resetting the control registers and clearing the digital circuitry. 14 SCLK Output Serial Clock whose rate determines the serial transfer rate to/from the codec. It is used to clock data or control information to and from the serial port (SPORT). The frequency of SCLK is equal to the frequency of the master clock (MCLK) divided by an integer number—this integer number being the product of the external master clock rate divider and the serial clock rate divider. 15 MCLK Master Clock Input. MCLK is driven from an external clock signal. 16 SDO Serial Data Output of the Codec. Both data and control information may be output on this pin and are clocked on the positive edge of SCLK. SDO is in three-state when no information is being transmitted and when SE is low. 17 SDOFS Framing Signal Output for SDO Serial Transfers. The frame sync is on bit wide and is active one SCLK period before the first bit (MSB) of each output word. SDOFS is referenced to the positive edge of SCLK. SDOFS is in three-state when SE is low. 18 SDIFS Framing Signal Input for SDI Serial Transfers. The frame sync is one bit wide and is valid one SCLK period before the first bit (MSB) of each input word. SDIFS is sampled on the negative edge of SCLK and ignored when SE is low. 19 SDI Serial Data Input of the Codec. Both data and control information may be input on this pin and are clocked on the negative edge of SCLK. SDI is ignored when SE is low. 20 SE SPORT Enable. Asynchronous input enable pin for the SPORT. When SE is set low by the DSP, the output pins of the SPORT are three-stated and the input pins are ignored. SCLK is also disabled internally in order to decrease power dissipation. When SE is brought high, the control and data regis- ters of the SPORT are at their original values (before SE was brought low); however, the timing counters and other internal registers are at their reset values. REV. A –7–