Datasheet AD7783 (Analog Devices) - 7

HerstellerAnalog Devices
BeschreibungRead-Only, Pin-Configured, 24-bit Sigma-Delta ADC with Excitation Current Sources
Seiten / Seite13 / 7 — AD7783. PIN CONFIGURATION. XTAL1 1. 16 XTAL2. REFIN(+) 2. 15 VDD. …
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AD7783. PIN CONFIGURATION. XTAL1 1. 16 XTAL2. REFIN(+) 2. 15 VDD. REFIN(–) 3. 14 GND. AIN(+) 4. AD7783 13 MODE TOP VIEW. AIN(–) 5


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AD7783 PIN CONFIGURATION XTAL1 1 16 XTAL2 REFIN(+) 2 15 VDD REFIN(–) 3 14 GND AIN(+) 4 AD7783 13 MODE TOP VIEW AIN(–) 5 12 DOUT/RDY (Not to Scale) IOUT1 6 11 CS IOUT2 7 10 SCLK IPIN 8 9 RANGE PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Pin No. Mnemonic Function
1 XTAL1 Input to the 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator Inverter. 2 REFIN(+) Positive Reference Input. REFIN(+) can lie anywhere between VDD and GND + 1 V. The nominal refer- ence voltage (REFIN(+) – REFIN(–)) is 2.5 V, but the part functions with a reference from 1 V to VDD. 3 REFIN(–) Negative Reference Input. This reference input can lie anywhere between GND and VDD – 1 V. 4 AIN(+) Analog Input. AIN(+) is the positive terminal of the fully differential analog input pair AIN(+)/AIN(–). 5 AIN(–) Analog Input. AIN(–) is the negative terminal of the fully differential analog input pair AIN(+)/AIN(–). 6 IOUT1 Output from Internal 200 mA Excitation Current Source. Either current source IEXC1 or IEXC2 can be switched to this output using hardware control pin IPIN. 7 IOUT2 Output from Internal 200 mA Excitation Current Source. Either current source IEXC1 or IEXC2 can be switched to this output using hardware control pin IPIN. 8 IPIN Logic Input that Selects the Routing of the On-Chip Current Sources. When IPIN is tied to GND, IEXC1 is routed to IOUT1 and IEXC2 is routed to IOUT2. When IPIN is tied to VDD, IEXC1 is routed to IOUT2 and IEXC2 is routed to IOUT1. 9 RANGE Logic Input that Configures the Input Range on the Internal PGA. With RANGE = 0, the full-scale input range is ± 160 mV; the full-scale input range equals ± 2.56 V when RANGE = 1 for a 2.5 V reference. 10 SCLK Serial Clock Input/Output for Data Transfers from the ADC. When the device is operated in master mode, SCLK is an output with one SCLK period equal to one XTAL period. In slave mode, SCLK is generated by an external source. In slave mode, all the data can be transmitted on a continuous train of pulses. Alter- natively, it can be a noncontinuous clock with the information being transmitted from the AD7783 in smaller batches of data. SCLK is Schmitt triggered (slave mode), making the interface suitable for opto- isolated applications. 11 CS Chip Select Input. CS is an active low logic input used to select the AD7783. When CS is low, the PLL establishes lock and allows the AD7783 to initiate a conversion. When CS is high, the conversion is aborted, DOUT and SCLK are three-stated, the AD7783 enters standby mode, and any conversion result in the output shift register is lost. 12 DOUT/RDY Serial Data Output/Data Ready Output. DOUT/RDY serves a dual purpose in this interface. When a conver- sion is initiated, DOUT/RDY goes high and remains high until the conversion is complete. DOUT/RDY will then return low to indicate that valid data is available to be read from the device. In slave mode, this acts as an interrupt to the processor, indicating that valid data is available. If data is not read after a conversion, DOUT/RDY will go high before the next update occurs. In master mode, DOUT/RDY goes low for at least half an SCLK cycle before the device produces SCLKs. When SCLK becomes active, data is output on the DOUT/RDY pin. Data is output on the falling SCLK edge and is valid on the rising edge. 13 MODE The MODE pin selects master or slave mode of operation. When MODE = 0, the AD7783 operates in master mode; the AD7783 is configured for slave mode when MODE = 1. 14 GND Ground Reference Point for the AD7783. 15 VDD Supply Voltage, 3 V or 5 V Nominal. 16 XTAL2 Output from the 32.768 kHz Crystal Oscillator Inverter. –6– REV. C Document Outline FEATURES INTERFACE POWER ON-CHIP FUNCTIONS APPLICATIONS FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM BASIC CONNECTION DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS TIMING CHARACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ORDERING GUIDE PIN CONFIGURATION PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Typical Performance Characteristics ADC CIRCUIT INFORMATION Overview NOISE PERFORMANCE DIGITAL INTERFACE MASTER MODE (MODE = 0) SLAVE MODE (MODE = 1) CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION Analog Input Channel Programmable Gain Amplifier Bipolar Configuration/Output Coding Excitation Currents Crystal Oscillator Reference Input Grounding and Layout OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Revision History