DG2001E www.vishay.com Vishay Siliconix ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted) PARAMETERLIMITUNIT V+, COM, NC, NO, IN reference to GND -0.3 to 6 V Continuous current (any terminal) ± 50 mA Peak current (pulsed at 1 ms, 10 % duty cycle) ± 200 Storage temperature (D suffix) -65 to +125 °C Power dissipation (packages) a TSOP-6 b 570 mW ESD / HBM JS-001 7000 V ESD / CDM JS-002 1000 Latch up Per JESD78 with 1.5 x voltage clamp 300 mA Notes a. All leads welded or soldered to PC board b. Derate 7 mW/°C above 25 °C Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. SPECIFICATIONS (V+ = 5 V) TEST CONDITIONSLIMITSUNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED -40 °C to +85 °C PARAMETER SYMBOLTEMP. aUNIT V+ = 5 V, ± 10 % V MIN. bTYP. cMAX. b IN = 0.8 V or 2.4 V e Analog Switch Analog signal range d VNO, VNC Full 0 - V+ V VCOM V+ = 4.5 V Room - 0.85 1.6 On-resistance RON VCOM = 3 V, INO, INC = 10 mA Full - - 1.8 V+ = 4.5 V RON flatness d RON Room - 0.3 - Flatness VCOM = 0 V to V+, INO, INC = 10 mA I Room -5 - 5 NO(off) Switch off INC(off) V+ = 5.5 V Full -30 - 30 leakage current g VNO, VNC = 1 V / 4.5 V, VCOM = 4.5 V / 1 V Room -5 - 5 ICOM(off) nA Full -30 - 30 Channel-on V+ = 5.5 V Room -5 - 5 leakage current g ICOM(on) VNO, VNC = VCOM = 1 V / 4.5 V Full -30 - 30 Power down leakage ICOM(PD) V+ = 0 V, VCOM = 4.5 V, VIN = GND Full d - - 1 μA Digital Control Input high voltage VINH Full 2.4 - - V Input low voltage VINL Full - - 0.8 Input capacitance CIN Full - 3 - pF Input current IINL or IINH VIN = 0 V or V+ Full -1 - 1 μA Dynamic Characteristics Room - 15 32 Turn-on time tON Full - - 35 VNO or VNC = 3 V, RL = 300 , CL = 35 pF Room - 6 26 ns Turn-off time tOFF Full - - 31 Break-before-make time td Room 1 4 - Charge injection d QINJ CL = 1 nF, VGEN = 0 V, RGEN = 0 Room - 8 - pC Off-isolation d OIRR Room - -63 - RL = 50 , CL = 5 pF, f = 1 MHz dB Crosstalk d XTALK Room - -63 - Source-off capacitance d CNO(off) Room - 16 - CNC(off) VIN = 0 V or V+, f = 1 MHz pF Channel-on capacitance d CON Room - 53 - Power Supply Power supply current I+ VIN = 0 V or V+ Full - 0.0003 1 μA S18-0426-Rev. B, 23-Apr-18 2 Document Number: 76471 For technical questions, contact: analogswitchtechsupport@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000