AD7741/AD7742Table II. AD7741/AD7742 Input Range SelectionVIN(Min)VIN(Max)UNI/BIPGAINGain, GfOUT = 0.05 fCLKINfOUT = 0.45 fCLKINPart N/A N/A X1 0 +VREF AD7741 0 0 X1 –VREF +VREF AD7742 0 1 X2 –VREF/2 +VREF/2 AD7742 1 0 X1 0 +VREF AD7742 1 1 X2 0 +VREF/2 AD7742 As can be seen from Table II, the AD7741 has one input range OUTPUTFREQUENCY configuration whereas the AD7742 has unipolar/bipolar as fOUT well as gain options depending on the status of the GAIN and UNI/BIP pins. fOUTMAX The transfer function for the AD7741 is shown in Figure 3. (0.45 fCLKIN) Figure 4 shows the AD7742 transfer function for unipolar input range configuration while the AD7742 transfer function for bipolar input range configuration is shown in Figure 5. fOUTMINOUTPUTFREQUENCY(0.05 fCLKIN)fOUTVVREFREFDIFFERENTIAL–+INPUT VOLTAGEGAINGAINfOUTMAX(0.45 fCLKIN) Figure 5. AD7742 Transfer Characteristic for Bipolar Differential Input Range: –VREF/Gain to +VREF/Gain; the common-mode range must be between +0.5 V and VDD – 1.75 V. UNI/BIP pin tied to GND. VFC ModulatorfOUTMIN The analog input signal to the AD7741/AD7742 is continu- (0.05 fCLKIN) ously sampled by a switched capacitor modulator whose sam- 0REFININPUTVOLTAGE V pling rate is set by a master clock input that may be supplied IN externally or by a crystal-controlled on-chip clock oscillator. Figure 3. AD7741 Transfer Characteristic for Input Range However, the input signal is buffered on-chip before being ap- from 0 to VREF plied to the sampling capacitor of the modulator. This isolates the sampling capacitor charging currents from the analog input OUTPUTFREQUENCY pins. fOUT This system is a negative feedback loop that tries to keep the net charge on the integrator capacitor at zero, by balancing charge fOUTMAX(0.45 f injected by the input voltage with charge injected by the V CLKIN) REF. The output of the comparator provides the digital input for the 1-bit DAC, so that the system functions as a negative feedback loop that tries to minimize the difference signal (see Figure 6). CLKfOUTMININTEGRATOR(0.05 fCLKIN)COMPARATOR0V+REFDIFFERENTIAL1-BIT+INPUT S +STREAMGAININPUT VOLTAGE– Figure 4. AD7742 Transfer Characteristic for Unipolar – Differential Input Range: 0 V to V +VREF REF/Gain; the input common-mode range must be between +0.5 V and V –V DD – 1.75 V. UNI/BIP pin tied to VDD. REF Figure 6. AD7741/AD7742 Modulator Loop –8– REV. 0