LTC6102 LTC6102-1/LTC6102HV elecTrical characTerisTics (LTC6102HV) The l denotes the specifications which apply over the fulloperating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at T+A = 25°C. RIN = 10 Ω , ROUT = 10k, VSENSE = V+ (see Figure 1 for details),V+ = 12V, V– = 0V unless otherwise noted.SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITS IS Supply Current V+ = 5V, IOUT = 0, RIN = 10k, ROUT = 100k 275 400 µA l 475 µA V+ = 6V, IOUT = 0, RIN = 10k, ROUT = 100k 280 425 µA l 500 µA V+ = 12V, IOUT = 0, RIN = 10k, ROUT = 100k 290 450 µA l 525 µA V+ = 100V, IOUT = 0, RIN = 10k, ROUT = 100k 420 575 µA LTC6102HVC, LTC6102HVI l 650 µA LTC6102HVH l 675 µA fS Sampling Frequency 10 kHz Note 1: Stresses beyond those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings to meet specified performance from –40°C to 85°C. The LTC6102H/ may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute LTC6102H-1/LTC6102HVH are guaranteed to meet specified performance Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device from –40°C to 125°C. reliability and lifetime. In addition to the Absolute Maximum Ratings, the Note 3: These Parameters are guaranteed by design and are not 100% output current of the LTC6102 must be limited to ensure that the power tested. Thermocouple effects preclude measurements of these voltage dissipation in the LTC6102 does not allow the die temperature to exceed levels during automated testing. 150°C. See the Applications Information “Output Current Limitations Due Note 4: Limits are fully tested. Limit is determined by high speed to Power Dissipation” for further information. automated test capability. Note 2: The LTC6102C/LTC6102C-1/LTC6102HVC are guaranteed to meet Note 5: I specified performance from 0°C to 70°C. The LTC6102C/LTC6102C-1/ B specification is limited by practical automated test resolution. Please refer to the Typical Performance Characteristics section for LTC6102HVC are designed, characterized and expected to meet specified more information regarding actual typical performance. For tighter performance from –40°C to 85°C but are not tested or QA sampled at specifications, please contact LTC Marketing. these temperatures. LTC6102I/LTC6102I-1/LTC6102HVI are guaranteed 6102fe 6 For more information