link to page 8 link to page 8 NCL30001ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 15 V, VAC IN = 3.8 V, VFB = 2.0 V, VFF = 2.4 V, VLatch = open, VISPOS = −100 mV, CDRV = 1 nF, CT = 470 pF, CIAVG = 0.27 nF, CLatch = 0.1 nF, CM = 10 nF, RIAVG = 76.8 kW, RTEST = 50 kW, RRC = 43 kW, For typical Value TJ = 25C, for min/max values TJ = −40C to 125C, unless otherwise noted) ParameterTest ConditionSymbolMinTypMaxUnitOSCILLATOR Frequency fosc 90 100 110 kHz Frequency Modulation in Percentage of – 6.8 – % fOSC Frequency Modulation Period – 6.8 – ms Ramp Peak Voltage VCT(peak) – 4.0 – V Ramp Valley Voltage VCT(valley) – 0.10 – V Maximum Duty Ratio RTEST = open D 94 − – % Ramp Compensation Peak Voltage VRCOMP(peak) – 4 – V AC ERROR AMPLIFIER Input Offset Voltage (Note 3) Ramp IAVG, VFB = 0 V ACVIO 40 – mV Error Amplifier Transconductance gm – 100 – mS Source Current VAC COMP = 2.0 V, VAC IN = 2.0 V, IEA(source) 25 70 – mA VFF = 1.0 V Sink Current VAC COMP = 2.0 V, VA C_IN = 2.0 V, IEA(sink) −25 −70 – mA VFF = 5.0 V CURRENT AMPLIFIER Input Bias Current VISPOS = 0 V CAIbias 40 53 80 mA Input Offset Voltage VAC COMP = 5.0 V, VISpos = 0 V CAVIO −20 0 20 mV Current Limit Threshold force DRV high, VAC COMP = 3.0 V, ramp VILIM 0.695 0.74 0.77 V VISPOS, VRamp_Comp = open Leading Edge Blanking Duration tLEB – 200 – ns Bandwidth – 1.5 – MHz PWM Output Voltage Gain 4 PWMk 4.0 5.3 6.0 V/V PWMk + (VILIM*CAVIO) Current Limit Voltage Gain (See Current V ISVk 15.4 18.5 23 V/V Sense Section) (AVG) ISVK + VISPOS REFERENCE GENERATOR Reference Generator Gain V 2 k – 0.55 – V AC_REF @ VFF k + VFB@VAC_IN Reference Generator output voltage VAC IN = 1.2 V, VFF = 0.765 V, RGout1 3.61 4.36 4.94 Vpk (low input ac line and full load) VFB = 4 V Reference Generator output voltage VAC IN = 3.75 V, VFF = 2.39 V, RGout2 1.16 1.35 1.61 Vpk (high input ac line and full load) VFB = 4.0 V Reference Generator output Voltage VAC IN = 1.2 V, VFF = 0.765 V, RGout3 1.85 2.18 2.58 Vpk (low input as line and minimum load) VFB = 2.0 V Reference Generator output voltage VAC IN = 3.75 V, VFF = 2.39 V, RGout4 0.55 0.65 0.78 Vpk (high input ac line and minimum load) VFB = 2.0 V Reference Generator output offset RGoffset −100 – 100 mV voltage Product parametric performance is indicated in the Electrical Characteristics for the listed test conditions, unless otherwise noted. Product performance may not be indicated by the Electrical Characteristics if operated under different conditions. 3. Guaranteed by Design www.onsemi.com6