link to page 3 link to page 3 FL7701PIN CONFIGURATION CS HV OUT NV VCC GND RT ADIM Figure 3. Pin ConfigurationPIN DEFINITIONSPin No.NameDescription 1 CS Current Sense. Limits output current depending on the sensing resistor voltage. The CS pin is also used to set the LED current regulation 2 OUT OUT. Connects to the MOSFET gate. 3 VCC VCC. Supply pin for stable IC operation ZCD signal detection used for accurate PFC function. 4 RT RT. Programmable operating frequency using external resistor and the IC has pre−fixed frequency when this pin is open or floating. 5 ADIM Analog Dimming. Connect to the internal current source and can change the output current using an external resistor. If ADIM is not used, it is recommended to connect a 0.1 mF bypass capacitor between the ADIM and GND. 6 GND GROUND. Ground for the IC. 7 NC No Connection 8 HV High Voltage. Connect to the high voltage line and supply current to the IC ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbolParameterMinMaxUnit VCC IC Supply Voltage − 20 V HV High Voltage Sensing − 500 V IO+/IO− Peak Drive Output Current (Sourcing / Sinking) − 250 mA VADIM Analog Dimming − 5 V VRT RT Pin Voltage − 5 V VCS Allowable Current Sensing Detection Voltage − 5 V TA Operating Ambient Temperature Range −40 +125 °C TJ Operating Junction Temperature −40 +150 °C TSTG Storage Temperature Range −65 +150 °C qJA Thermal Resistance Junction−Air (Notes 1, 2) − 135 °C/W PD Power Dissipation − 660 mW ESD Electrostatic Discharge Capability Human Body Model, JESD22−A114 − 2000 V Charged Device Model, JESD22−C101 − 1000 Stresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected. 1. Thermal resistance test board. Size: 76.2 mm x 114.3 mm x 1.6 mm (1S0P); JEDEC standard: JESD51−2, JESD51− 3. 2. Assume no ambient airflow. www.onsemi.com3