Datasheet FL5150 (ON Semiconductor) - 9

HerstellerON Semiconductor
BeschreibungIGBT and MOSFET AC Phase Cut Dimmer Controller
Seiten / Seite23 / 9 — DIM Control Voltage Pulse Width Selection(1)
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DIM Control Voltage Pulse Width Selection(1)

DIM Control Voltage Pulse Width Selection(1)

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DIM Control Voltage Pulse Width Selection(1)
DIM Mode=0 DIM Mode=0 DIM Mode=1 DIM Mode=1 Trailing Edge Trailing Edge Leading Edge Leading Edge DIM_Control
Voltage (mV) VOUTRMS(V)(2) tON (Rising) s tON (Falling)s tOFF (Rising) s tOFF (Falling) s 0 0 0 0 >8333 >8333 0 0 0 0 >8333 >8333 0 0 0 0 >8333 >8333 0 0 0 0 >8333 >8333 40 0 0 0 >8333 >8333 50 0 0 500 >8333 7800 60 0 0 500 >8333 7800 70 0 0 500 >8333 7800 80 0 0 500 >8333 7800 90 0 0 500 >8333 7800 100 4.5 500 500 7800 7800 110 5.3 550 550 7750 7750 120 6.1 600 600 7700 7700 130 6.9 650 650 7650 7650 140 7.7 700 700 7600 7600 150 8.5 750 750 7550 7550 160 9.4 800 800 7500 7500 170 10.3 850 850 7450 7450 180 11.2 900 900 7400 7400 190 12.1 950 950 7350 7350 200 13 1000 1000 7300 7300 210 14 1050 1050 7250 7250 220 15 1100 1100 7200 7200 230 16 1150 1150 7150 7150 240 17 1200 1200 7100 7100 250 18 1250 1250 7050 7050 260 18.5 1275 1275 7025 7025 270 19 1300 1300 7000 7000 280 19.5 1325 1325 6975 6975 290 20 1350 1350 6950 6950 300 20.5 1375 1375 6925 6925 310 21 1400 1400 6900 6900 320 21.5 1425 1425 6875 6875 330 22 1450 1450 6850 6850 340 22.5 1475 1475 6825 6825 350 23 1500 1500 6800 6800 FL5150/60 — IGBT and MOSFET AC Phase Cut Dimmer Controller Table 5. Continued on the following page… © 2016 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
FL5150/60 • 1.0