Datasheet TL432 (TAEJIN Technology (HTC Korea)) - 8

HerstellerTAEJIN Technology (HTC Korea)
BeschreibungProgrammable Precision Shunt Regulator
Seiten / Seite8 / 8 — Programmable Precision Shunt Regulator TL432. REVISION NOTICE. HTC
Dateiformat / GrößePDF / 541 Kb

Programmable Precision Shunt Regulator TL432. REVISION NOTICE. HTC

Programmable Precision Shunt Regulator TL432 REVISION NOTICE HTC

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Textversion des Dokuments

Programmable Precision Shunt Regulator TL432 REVISION NOTICE
The description in this data sheet is subject to change without any notice to describe its electrical characteristics properly. 8 Sep. 2020 – R2.0