Datasheet AWSCR-CPLA (Abracon) - 6

BeschreibungMiniature Ceramic Resonator
Seiten / Seite6 / 6 — Miniature Ceramic Resonator. AWSCR-CPLA. 6.0 x 3.0 x 1.8mm. RoHS/RoHS II …
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Miniature Ceramic Resonator. AWSCR-CPLA. 6.0 x 3.0 x 1.8mm. RoHS/RoHS II Compliant. MSL Level = 1. Test. Condition of Peel Strength

Miniature Ceramic Resonator AWSCR-CPLA 6.0 x 3.0 x 1.8mm RoHS/RoHS II Compliant MSL Level = 1 Test Condition of Peel Strength

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Miniature Ceramic Resonator AWSCR-CPLA
Request Samples Check Inventory
6.0 x 3.0 x 1.8mm RoHS/RoHS II Compliant MSL Level = 1 Test Condition of Peel Strength
Top Tape Peeling Strength 20-70g 10 max Carrier Tape
1) Do not apply excess mechanical stress to the component and terminals during soldering. Do not use this product if it is bent or damaged. 2) 2. Do not clean or wash the component for it is not hermetically sealed. 3) 3. Do not use a strong acidity flux with more than 0.2 wt% chlorine content during soldering. 4) 4. Do not place or use the item close to fire. 5) 5. Please ensure the component is thoroughly evaluated in your application circuit as the specification mentions the quality of the component as a single unit. 6) 6. Expiry date (Shelf life) of the products is 12 months after the date of delivery under the conditions of a sealed and an unopened package. Please use the products within 12 months after delivery. If the item is stored for more than 12 months, use caution before use as the item may be degraded in the solderability or develop rust. Please confirm solderability and characteristics for the products regularly. ATTENTION: Abracon LLC’s products are COTS – Commercial-Off-The-Shelf products; suitable for Commercial, Industrial and, where designated, Automotive Applications. Abracon’s products are not specifical y designed for Military, Aviation, Aerospace, Life-dependent Medical applications or any application requiring high reliability where component failure could result in loss of life and/or property. For applications requiring high reliability and/or presenting an extreme operating environment, written consent and authorization from Abracon LLC is required. Please contact Abracon LLC for more information. 5101 H idden Creek Ln Spicewood TX 78669 ABRACON IS Phone: 512-371-6159 | Fax: 512-351-8858
REVISED: 08-08-24
ISO9001-2015 For terms and conditions of sales, please visit: CERTIFIED Document Outline AWSCR-XX.XXCPLA-CXX-T4 Rev B.pdf