Datasheet TEA1501 (NXP) - 3

BeschreibungGreenChip SMPS controller IC in 8-SOIC (0.295", 7.50mm Width) Package
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Philips Semiconductors. TEA1501. GreenChip SMPS controller IC. Pinning information. 6.1 Pinning. Fig 2

Philips Semiconductors TEA1501 GreenChip SMPS controller IC Pinning information 6.1 Pinning Fig 2

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Philips Semiconductors TEA1501 GreenChip SMPS controller IC 6. Pinning information 6.1 Pinning TEA1501
SOURCE 1 8 DRAIN OOD 2 7 n.c. BURST 3 6 GND REF 4 5 AUX 001aae123
Fig 2. Pin configuration: TEA1501T (SOT176-1) 6.2 Pin description Table 3. Pin description Symbol Pin Description
SOURCE 1 source of the power switch and input for primary current sensing OOD 2 on/off input and data transfer output BURST 3 input for burst capacitor REF 4 input for reference resistor AUX 5 supply input of the IC and input for voltage regulation GND 6 ground n.c. 7 not connected to comply with safety requirements DRAIN 8 drain of the power switch and input for start-up current
7. Functional description
The TEA1501 contains a high voltage power switch, a high voltage start-up circuit and low voltage control circuitry on the same IC. Together with a transformer and a few external components a low power, isolated, flyback converter can be built, see Figure 3. The system of the TEA1501 operates in a Burst mode. During each burst period the output voltage is regulated to a desired voltage level. TEA1501_2 © Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2006. All rights reserved.
Product data sheet Rev. 02 — 31 March 2006 3 of 21
Document Outline 1. General description 2. Features 2.1 Distinctive features 2.2 Green features 2.3 Protection features 3. Quick reference data 4. Ordering information 5. Block diagram 6. Pinning information 6.1 Pinning 6.2 Pin description 7. Functional description 7.1 System operation 7.1.1 On/off 7.1.2 Start-up 7.1.3 Operation 7.1.4 Data transfer 7.2 Waveforms in the Off mode, Start-up mode and Operation mode 7.3 Circuit block description 7.3.1 On/off/data section 7.3.2 VAUX management 7.3.3 Start-up current source 7.3.4 Reference block 7.3.5 Temperature protection 7.3.6 Switch oscillator 7.3.7 Burst oscillator 7.3.8 Gate driver 7.3.9 Power switch 7.3.10 Primary current comparator 7.3.11 Leading edge blanking 7.3.12 Modulator 7.3.13 Counter 7.3.14 Supply current tracking 7.4 Design Equations 7.4.1 Primary peak current Minimum value of RSOURCE 7.4.2 Switch oscillator Range of RREF values 7.4.3 Leading edge blanking 7.4.4 Burst oscillator Minimum value of CBURST 8. Limiting values 9. Thermal characteristics 10. Characteristics 11. Test information 11.1 Quality information 12. Package outline 13. Soldering 13.1 Introduction to soldering surface mount packages 13.2 Reflow soldering 13.3 Wave soldering 13.4 Manual soldering 13.5 Package related soldering information 14. Revision history 15. Legal information 15.1 Data sheet status 15.2 Definitions 15.3 Disclaimers 15.4 Trademarks 16. Contact information 17. Contents