VOFD341A www.vishay.com Vishay Semiconductors TEST CIRCUITS 1 6 1 6 0.1 µF I = 7 mA 0.1 µF F to 16 mA IF + V = 15 V 2 5 + V CC 2 5 CC V > 5 V to 30 V V > 5 V O O 3 4 3 4 Shield Shield Fig. 1 - IFLH Test Circuit Fig. 2 - UVLO Test Circuit SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Tamb = 25 °C, VCC - VEE = 30 V unless otherwise specified) PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Propagation delay time to VO = “low” tPHL 50 - 200 ns Propagation delay time to VO = “high” Rg = 10 Ω, Cg = 15 nF, tPLH 50 - 200 ns f = 20 kHz, duty cycle = 50 %, Pulse width distortion PWD - 10 70 ns IF = 7 mA to 16 mA, Propagation delay difference (1) V PDD -100 - 100 ns CC = 15 V to 30 V, Output rise time (10 % to 90 %) VEE = ground tr - 35 - ns Output fall time (90 % to 10 %) tf - 35 - ns Note (1) The difference between tPHL and tPLH between any two parts, series parts, or channels under same test conditions 1 6 I 0.1 µF F + VCC t t V > 5 V r f O I V F 2 5 OH 90 % Rg VO 50 % Cg 10 % 3 4 VOL Shield t t PLH PHL Fig. 3 - tPLH, tPHL, tr and tf Test Circuit and Waveforms COMMON MODE TRANSIENT IMMUNITY (Tamb = 25 °C, VCC - VEE = 30 V unless otherwise specified) PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Common mode transient immunity at IF = 10 mA to 16 mA, |CM high level output (V H| 35 50 - kV/μs O = “high”) (1) VCM = 1500 V, VCC = 30 V Common mode transient immunity at VF = 0 V, VCM = 1500 V, |CM low level output (V L| 35 50 - kV/μs O = “low”) (2) VCC = 30 V Notes (1) CMH is the maximum rate of rise of the common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic high state (VO > 15 V) (2) CML is the maximum rate of fall of the common mode voltage that can be sustained with the output voltage in the logic low state (VO < 1 V) Rev. 1.0, 20-Jun-2024 4 Document Number: 80420 For technical questions, contact: optocoupleranswers@vishay.com THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENT ARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT www.vishay.com/doc?91000