Datasheet TLV7031, TLV7032, TLV7034, TLV7041, TLV7042, TLV7044 (Texas Instruments) - 10
Hersteller | Texas Instruments |
Beschreibung | Small-Size, Nanopower, Low-Voltage Comparators |
Seiten / Seite | 67 / 10 — TLV7031, TL. V7032,. TLV7041,. TLV7042, TL. V7034, TL. V7044. … |
Dateiformat / Größe | PDF / 4.3 Mb |
Dokumentensprache | Englisch |
TLV7031, TL. V7032,. TLV7041,. TLV7042, TL. V7034, TL. V7044. 5.11 Electrical Characteristics (Quad). PARAMETER

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TLV7031, TL V7032, TLV7041, TLV7042, TL V7034, TL V7044
SLVSE13I – SEPTEMBER 2017 – REVISED JUNE 2024 5.11 Electrical Characteristics (Quad)
VS = 1.8V to 5V, VCM = VS / 2; minimum and maximum values are at TA = –40°C to +125°C (unless otherwise noted). Typical values are at TA = 25°C.
VIO Input Offset Voltage VS = 1.8V and 5V, VCM = VS / 2 ±0.1 ±8 mV VHYS Hysteresis VS = 1.8V and 5V, VCM = VS / 2 3 10 25 mV VCM Common-mode voltage range VEE VCC + 0.1 V IB Input bias current 2 pA IOS Input offset current 1 pA Output voltage high (for TLV7034 VOH V only) S = 5V, VEE = 0V, IO = 3mA 4.65 4.8 V VOL Output voltage low VS = 5V, VEE = 0V, IO = 3mA 250 350 mV Open-drain output leakage V I S = 5V, VID = +0.1V (output high), LKG 100 pA current (TLV7044 only) VPULLUP = VCC CMRR Common-mode rejection ratio VEE < VCM < VCC, VS = 5V 73 dB PSRR Power supply rejection ratio VS = 1.8V to 5V, VCM = VS / 2 77 dB VS = 5V, sourcing (for TLV7034 only) 29 ISC Short-circuit current mA VS = 5V, sinking 33 ICC Supply current / Channel VS = 1.8V, no load, VID = –0.1V (Output Low) 315 750 nA
5.12 Switching Characteristics (Quad)
Typical values are at TA = 25°C, VS = 5V, VCM = VS / 2; CL = 15pF, input overdrive = 100mV (unless otherwise noted).
Propagation delay time, high to- Midpoint of input to midpoint of output, tPHL low (RP = 4.99kΩ TLV7044 3 µs V only) (1) OD = 100mV Propagation delay time, low-to high Midpoint of input to midpoint of output, tPLH (RP = 4.99kΩ TLV7044 3 µs V only) (1) OD = 100mV tR Rise time (TLV7034 only) Measured from 20% to 80% 4.5 ns tF Fall time Measured from 20% to 80% 4.5 ns During power on, V t CC must exceed 1.6V for tON ON Power-up time 400 µs before the output will reflect the input.. (1) The lower limit for RP is 650Ω 10 Submit Document Feedback Copyright © 2024 Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Links: TLV7031 TLV7032 TLV7041 TLV7042 TLV7034 TLV7044 Document Outline 1 Features 2 Applications 3 Description Table of Contents 4 Pin Configuration and Functions Pin Functions Pin Functions: TLV7032/42 Pin Functions: TLV7034/44 5 Specifications 5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings 5.2 ESD Ratings 5.3 Recommended Operating Conditions 5.4 Thermal Information (Single) 5.5 Thermal Information (Dual) 5.6 Thermal Information (Quad) 5.7 Electrical Characteristics (Single) 5.8 Switching Characteristics (Single) 5.9 Electrical Characteristics (Dual) 5.10 Switching Characteristics (Dual) 5.11 Electrical Characteristics (Quad) 5.12 Switching Characteristics (Quad) 5.13 Timing Diagrams 5.14 Typical Characteristics 6 Detailed Description 6.1 Overview 6.2 Functional Block Diagram 6.3 Feature Description 6.4 Device Functional Modes 6.4.1 Inputs 6.4.2 Internal Hysteresis 6.4.3 Output 7 Application and Implementation 7.1 Application Information 7.1.1 Inverting Comparator With Hysteresis for TLV703x 7.1.2 Noninverting Comparator With Hysteresis for TLV703x 7.2 Typical Applications 7.2.1 Window Comparator Design Requirements Detailed Design Procedure Application Curve 7.2.2 IR Receiver Analog Front End Design Requirements Detailed Design Procedure Application Curve 7.2.3 Square-Wave Oscillator Design Requirements Detailed Design Procedure Application Curve 7.2.4 Quadrature Rotary Encoder Design Requirements Detailed Design Procedure Application Curve 7.3 Power Supply Recommendations 7.4 Layout 7.4.1 Layout Guidelines 7.4.2 Layout Example 8 Device and Documentation Support 8.1 Device Support 8.1.1 Development Support Evaluation Module 8.2 Documentation Support 8.2.1 Related Documentation 8.3 Receiving Notification of Documentation Updates 8.4 Support Resources 8.5 Trademarks 8.6 Electrostatic Discharge Caution 8.7 Glossary 9 Revision History 10 Mechanical, Packaging, and Orderable Information