300MHz-to-450MHz Low-Power,Crystal-Based ASK TransmitterMAX1472ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (Typical Application Circuit, output power is referenced to 50Ω, VDD = 2.1V to 3.6V, VENABLE = VDD, TA = -40°C to +125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at VDD = 2.7V, TA = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.) (Note 1) PARAMETERSYMBOLCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITSPHASE-LOCKED LOOP PERFORMANCE VCO Gain 330 MHz/V fOFFSET =100kHz -84 fRF = 315MHz fOFFSET = 1MHz -91 Phase Noise dBc/Hz fOFFSET =100kHz -82 fRF = 433MHz fOFFSET = 1MHz -89 fRF = 315MHz -50 Maximum Carrier Harmonics dBc fRF = 433MHz -50 fRF = 315MHz -75 Reference Spur dBc fRF = 433MHz -81 Loop Bandwidth 1.6 MHz Crystal Frequency fXTAL fRF / 32 MHz Oscillator Input Capacitance From each XTAL pin to GND 6.2 pF Frequency Pushing by VDD 3 ppm/V DIGITAL INPUTS Data Input High VIH V D D - 0.25 V Data Input Low VIL 0.25 V Maximum Input Current 2 nA Pulldown Current 25 µA Note 1: 100% tested at TA = +25°C. Guaranteed by design and characterization over temperature. Note 2: 50% duty cycle at 10kHz data. Note 3: Guaranteed by design and characterization, not production tested. Note 4: Generally limited by PC board layout. Note 5: Output power can be adjusted with external resistor. Note 6: Guaranteed by design and characterization at fRF = 315MHz. Note 7: VENABLE < VIL to VENABLE > VIH. fOFFSET is defined as the frequency deviation from the desired carrier frequency. Note 8: VENABLE > VIH, VDATA > VIH, Efficiency = POUT/(VDD x IDD). Note 9: VENABLE > VIH, DATA toggled from VIL to VIH, 10kHz, 50% duty cycle, Efficiency = POUT/(VDD x IDD). 3