Datasheet MCP1502 (Microchip) - 5

BeschreibungHigh-Precision Buffered Voltage Reference
Seiten / Seite28 / 5 — MCP1502. 2.0. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Absolute Maximum Ratings(†. † …
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MCP1502. 2.0. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS. Absolute Maximum Ratings(†. † Notice. TABLE 2-1:. DC CHARACTERISTICS


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MCP1502 2.0 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Absolute Maximum Ratings(† )
VDD...5.5V Maximum current into VDD pin ... 30 mA Clamp current, IK (VPIN < 0 or VPIN > VDD)...±20 mA Maximum output current sunk by OUT pin..30 mA Maximum output current sourced by OUT pin ..30 mA (HBM:CDM:MM).. (2 kV:±1.5 kV:200V)
† Notice
: Stresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at those or any other conditions above those indicated in the operation listings of this specification is not implied. Exposure above maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
TABLE 2-1: DC CHARACTERISTICS Electrical Characteristics:
Unless otherwise specified, VDD(MIN) VDD  5.5V at -40C  TA  +125C.
Characteristic Sym. Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
Supply Voltage VDD 1.65 — 5.5 V MCP1502-10 VDD 1.65 — 5.5 V MCP1502-12 VDD 2.0 — 5.5 V MCP1502-18 VDD 2.25 — 5.5 V MCP1502-20 VDD 2.70 — 5.5 V MCP1502-25 VDD 3.2 — 5.5 V MCP1502-30 VDD 3.5 — 5.5 V MCP1502-33 VDD 4.3 — 5.5 V MCP1502-40 Power-on Reset Release VPOR — 1.45 — V Voltage
(Note 1)
Power-on Reset Rearm — — 0.8 — V Voltage
(Note 2)
Output Voltage MCP1502-10 VOUT 1.0230 1.0240 1.0250 V MCP1502-12 1.2488 1.2500 1.2513 V MCP1502-18 1.7982 1.800 1.8018 V MCP1502-20 2.0460 2.0480 2.0500 V Temperature @ +25C MCP1502-25 2.4975 2.500 2.5025 V MCP1502-30 2.9970 3.000 3.0030 V MCP1502-33 3.2967 3.300 3.3033 V MCP1502-40 4.0919 4.0960 4.1001 V Temperature MCP1502-XX TC — 5 7 ppm/C Coefficient Line Regulation VOUT/VIN — 5 50 ppm/V Load Regulation VOUT/IOUT — 5 ppm – 40 ppm – ppm/mA -5 mA < ILOAD sink sink
Note 1:
On rising VDD, the voltage at which the device internal Reset will get released.
On dropping VDD, the voltage at which the internal Reset circuit will reset. On dropping VDD, it is recommended to bring the VDD below this voltage to get a proper Reset.
Before using the SHDN pin, the device should first be powered up. Once the device is fully powered up, then the Shutdown pin can be used.
µVPP is six times the value of µVRMS.  2021 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries DS20006593A-page 5 Document Outline Features Applications Related Parts General Description Package Types Block Diagram 1.0 Pin Function Table TABLE 1-1: Pin Function Table 1.1 Buffered VREF Output (OUT) 1.2 System Ground (GND) 1.3 Shutdown Pin (SHDN) 1.4 Power Supply Input (VDD) 2.0 Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings(†) TABLE 2-1: DC Characteristics TABLE 2-2: Temperature Specifications 2.1 Terminology 2.1.1 Output Voltage (VOUT) 2.1.2 Input Voltage (VIN) 2.1.3 Temperature Coefficient (Tc) EQUATION 2-1: TC Calculation 2.1.4 Dropout Voltage (VDO) 2.1.5 Line Regulation EQUATION 2-2: EQUATION 2-3: EQUATION 2-4: EQUATION 2-5: EQUATION 2-6: 2.1.6 Load Regulation EQUATION 2-7: EQUATION 2-8: EQUATION 2-9: EQUATION 2-10: EQUATION 2-11: 2.1.7 Power Supply Rejection Ratio (PSRR) 2.1.8 Long-Term Drift 2.1.9 Output Voltage Hysteresis 2.1.10 Layout Consideration for Load Regulation 3.0 Typical Operating Curves FIGURE 3-1: MCP1502-10 VREF Output vs. Temperature, VDD = 5.5V. FIGURE 3-2: MCP1502-20 VREF Output vs. Temperature, VDD = 5.5V. FIGURE 3-3: MCP1502-40 VREF Output vs. Temperature, VDD = 5.5V. FIGURE 3-4: Load Regulation vs. Temperature. FIGURE 3-5: IDD vs. Temperature. FIGURE 3-6: MCP1502 – Line Regulation vs. Temperature. FIGURE 3-7: IDD vs. VDD for All Options. FIGURE 3-8: Noise vs. Frequency, No Load, TA = +25°C. FIGURE 3-9: PSRR vs. Frequency, No Load, TA = +25°C. FIGURE 3-10: PSRR vs. Frequency, 1 kΩ Load, TA = +25°C. FIGURE 3-11: Dropout Voltage vs. Load, TA = +25°C. FIGURE 3-12: MCP1502 Tempco Distribution, No Load, VDD = 2.7V. FIGURE 3-13: MCP1502 Tempco Distribution, No Load, VDD = 5.5V. FIGURE 3-14: VOUT Drift vs. Time, TA = +25°C, No Load, 800 Units. FIGURE 3-15: MCP1502-10 VREF and Load Regulation vs. Load Current. FIGURE 3-16: MCP1502-20 VREF and Load Regulation vs. Load Current. FIGURE 3-17: MCP1502-40 VREF and Load Regulation vs. Load Current. FIGURE 3-18: MCP1502 Output Voltage Histogram, VDD = 2.7V. FIGURE 3-19: MCP1502 Output Voltage Histogram, VDD = 5.5V. FIGURE 3-20: Fast Ramp Start-up @ +25°C for All Options. FIGURE 3-21: Slow Ramp Start-up @ +25°C for All Options. FIGURE 3-22: IDD Turn-On Transient Response. FIGURE 3-23: Shutdown Low-to-High Slow Ramp Turn-On Transient Response @ +25°C for All Options. FIGURE 3-24: Load Regulation Transient Response @ +25°C for All Options. FIGURE 3-25: Line Regulation Transient Response @ +25°C for All Options. FIGURE 3-26: MCP1502-10 Transient Response vs. Capacitive Load, VDD = 5V. FIGURE 3-27: MCP1502-20 Transient Response vs. Capacitive Load, VDD = 5V. FIGURE 3-28: MCP1502-40 Transient Response vs. Capacitive Load, VDD = 5V. FIGURE 3-29: MCP1502-10 Transient Response vs. RS, VDD = 5V, CL = 4.7 nF. FIGURE 3-30: MCP1502-20 Transient Response vs. RS, VDD = 5V, CL = 4.7 nF. FIGURE 3-31: MCP1502-40 Transient Response vs. RS, VDD = 5V, CL = 4.7 nF. FIGURE 3-32: MCP1502-10 Transient Response vs. VDD, CL = 4.7 nF. FIGURE 3-33: MCP1502-20 Transient Response vs. VDD, CL = 4.7 nF. FIGURE 3-34: MCP1502-40 Transient Response vs. VDD, CL = 4.7 nF. 4.0 Theory of Operation 5.0 Application Circuits 5.1 Application Tips 5.1.1 Basic Application Circuit FIGURE 5-1: Basic Circuit Configuration. FIGURE 5-2: Output Noise Reducing Filter. EQUATION 5-1: 5.1.2 Load Capacitor 5.1.3 Printed Circuit Board Layout Considerations 5.2 Typical Applications Circuits 5.2.1 Negative Voltage Reference FIGURE 5-3: Negative Voltage Reference. 5.2.2 A/D Converter Reference FIGURE 5-4: ADC Example Circuit. FIGURE 5-5: SAR ADC Example Circuit. 6.0 Package Information 6.1 Package Markings Appendix A: Revision History Revision A (September 2021) Product Identification System Worldwide Sales and Service