Datasheet MAX4562, MAX4563 (Maxim)

BeschreibungSerially Controlled, Clickless Audio/Video Switches
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Serially Controlled, Clickless. Audio/Video Switches. MAX4562/MAX4563. General Description. Features

Datasheet MAX4562, MAX4563 Maxim

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19-1461; Rev 0; 4/99
Serially Controlled, Clickless Audio/Video Switches MAX4562/MAX4563 General Description Features
The MAX4562/MAX4563 serial-interface controlled ♦
Selectable Soft-Switching Mode for “Clickless”
switches are ideal for multimedia applications. Each
Audio Operation
device features 30Ω max on-resistance (RON), 5Ω RON match, and 5Ω R ♦ ON flatness. Audio off-isolation and

max On-Resistance
crosstalk at 20kHz is -85dB, and video off-isolation and ♦
Audio Performance
crosstalk at 10MHz is -55dB. Both devices feature
-85dB Off-Isolation at 20kHz
“clickless” mode operation for audio applications.
-85dB Crosstalk at 20kHz
The MAX4562/MAX4563 contain two normally open sin-
-0.007% THD
gle-pole/double-throw (SPDT) switches and two normal- ly open single-pole/single-throw (SPST) switches. The ♦
Video Performance
MAX4562 features a 2-wire I2C™-compatible serial
-55dB Off-Isolation at 10MHz
interface. The MAX4563 features a 3-wire SPI™/QSPI™/
-55dB Crosstalk at 10MHz
MICROWIRE™-compatible serial interface. Both parts ♦
T-Switch Configurable for Improved Off-Isolation
are available in 16-pin QSOP packages and operate over the commercial and extended temperature ♦
Serial Interface
2-Wire I2C-Compatible (MAX4562) 3-Wire SPI/QSPI/MICROWIRE-Compatible (MAX4563) Applications

Single-Supply Operation from +2.7V to +5.5V
Set-Top Boxes PC Multimedia Boards Audio Systems
Ordering Information
Video Conferencing Systems
CEE 0°C to +70°C 16 QSOP MAX4562EEE -40°C to +85°C 16 QSOP
Pin Configuration MAX4563
CEE 0°C to +70°C 16 QSOP MAX4563EEE -40°C to +85°C 16 QSOP TOP VIEW V+ 1 16 SCL (SCLK) MAX4562
Typical Operating Circuit
NO1A 2 15 SDA (DIN) MAX4563 COM1 3 14 A0 (CS) NO1B 4 13 A1 (DOUT) GND 5 12 NO4 NO2A COM2 NO2B SIGNAL IN SIGNAL OUT NO2A 6 11 COM4 COM3 COM2 7 10 NO3 NO2B 8 9 COM3
NO3 ( ) ARE FOR MAX4563 I2C is a trademark of Philips Corp. SPI/QSPI are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. MICROWIRE is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corp.
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