Fully Integrated, Hall-Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor ICACS756xCB with 3 kVRMS Voltage Isolation and a Low-Resistance Current ConductorCHOPPER STABILIZATION TECHNIQUE Chopper Stabilization is an innovative circuit technique that is result of this chopper stabilization approach, the output voltage used to minimize the offset voltage of a Hall element and an asso- from the Hall IC is desensitized to the effects of temperature and ciated on-chip amplifier. Allegro’s Chopper Stabilization tech- mechanical stress. This technique produces devices that have an nique nearly eliminates Hall IC output drift induced by tempera- extremely stable Electrical Offset Voltage, are immune to thermal ture or package stress effects. This offset reduction technique is stress, and have precise recoverability after temperature cycling. based on a signal modulation-demodulation process. Modulation is used to separate the undesired DC offset signal from the mag- This technique is made possible through the use of a BiCMOS netically induced signal in the frequency domain. Then, using process that allows the use of low-offset and low-noise amplifiers a low-pass filter, the modulated DC offset is suppressed while in combination with high-density logic integration and sample the magnetically induced signal passes through the filter. As a and hold circuits. Regulator Clock/Logic Low-Pass Hall Element d Filter an Amp le ld mp Ho Sa Concept of Chopper Stabilization Technique 9 Allegro MicroSystems 955 Perimeter Road Manchester, NH 03103-3353 U.S.A. www.allegromicro.com