IRG4PH40UD 90% Vge Same type +Vge device asD.U.T. Vce 430µF 90% Ic 80% 10% Vce of Vce Ic D.U.T. Ic 5% Ic td(off) tf t1+5µS Eoff = Vce ic Vce dt ∫ Ic dt Fig. 18a - Test Circuit for Measurement of t1 ILM, Eon, Eoff(diode), trr, Qrr, Irr, td(on), tr, td(off), tf t1 t2 Fig. 18b - Test Waveforms for Circuit of Fig. 18a, Defining Eoff, td(off), tf trr GATE VOLTAGE D.U.T. trr Ic Qrr = ∫ id dt Ic dt tx 10% +Vg +Vg tx 10% Irr 10% Vcc Vcc DUT VOLTAGE Vce AND CURRENT Vpk Irr 10% Ic Vcc Ipk 90% Ic Ic DIODE RECOVERY WAVEFORMS 5% Vce td(on) tr E ∫ t2 on = Vce ie dt Vce Ic dt t4 t1 Erec ∫ = Vd id dt Vd Ic dt t3 t1 t2 DIODE REVERSE RECOVERY ENERGY t3 t4 Fig. 18c - Test Waveforms for Circuit of Fig. 18a, Fig. 18d - Test Waveforms for Circuit of Fig. 18a, Defining E Defining E on, td(on), tr rec, trr, Qrr, Irr 8