Datasheet VIPER222 (STMicroelectronics) - 6

BeschreibungHigh voltage converter
Seiten / Seite20 / 6 — VIPER222. Electrical characteristics. Table 5. Electrical …
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VIPER222. Electrical characteristics. Table 5. Electrical characteristics. Symbol. Parameter. Test Condition. Min. Typ. Max. Unit. DS13192

VIPER222 Electrical characteristics Table 5 Electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit DS13192

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VIPER222 Electrical characteristics 4 Electrical characteristics
(TJ = 25 °C, VCC = 9 V; unless otherwise specified)
Table 5. Electrical characteristics Symbol Parameter Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
ID = 1 mA, VBVDSS Breakdown voltage 730 V EA-OUT= GND ID = 0.2 A; RDS(on) Drain-Source ON state resistance 15 Ω TJ = 25 °C C Effective (energy related) output OSS V capacitance DRAIN = 100 V 13 pF IDSS OFF state DRAIN leakage current VDRAIN = 730 V 50 µA VSTART Drain-source start voltage 30 V VDRAIN = 100 V ICH1 Startup charging current -0.6 -1.4 mA VCC=0 V VDRAIN = 100 V ICH2 Charging current during operation -2 -4 mA VCC = 6 V VDRAIN = 100 V ICH3 Charging current during self-supply -6 -9 mA VCC = 6 V VCC Operating voltage range 4.5 30 V VCLAMP VCC clamp voltage ICC = 35 mA 30 V VON VCC ON threshold 15 16 17 V VCCL VCC low value 4 4.25 4.5 V VOFF UVLO 3.75 4 4.25 V ICC0 Operating supply current, not switching Not switching 0.5 mA VDS = 150 V VEA-OUT = 1.2 V 1.3 FOSC = 30 kHz ICC1 Operating supply current, switching VDS = 150 V VEA-OUT = 1.2 V 1.6 mA FOSC = 60 kHz ICC_FAIL VCC clamp protection 30 mA ILIM Drain current limit (OCP) TJ =25 °C 0.59 0.62 0.65 A TJ = 25 °C ILIM_BM Drain current limit at low load 105 130 155 mA VEA-OUT = VEA_BM TON(MIN) Minimum turn ON time 350 ns tRESTART Restart time after fault 1.2 s tOVL Overload delay time 55 ms
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Document Outline Cover image Product status link / summary Features Application Description 1 Pin setting 2 Typical power capability 3 Electrical and thermal ratings 4 Electrical characteristics 5 Typical electrical characteristics 6 General description 6.1 Startup 6.2 Feedback loop 6.3 Pulse skipping 6.4 Burst mode at light load 6.5 Short-circuit protection 6.6 VCC clamp protection 7 Basic application schematics 8 Package information 8.1 SSOP10 package information Revision history Contents List of tables List of figures