ST7LITEUSx3 REGISTER & MEMORY MAP As shown in Figure 5, the MCU is capable of ad- The Flash memory contains two sectors (see Fig- dressing 64K bytes of memories and I/O registers. ure 5) mapped in the upper part of the ST7 ad- The available memory locations consist of 128 dressing space so the reset and interrupt vectors bytes of register locations, 128 bytes of RAM and are located in Sector 0 (FE00h-FFFFh). 1 Kbytes of user program memory. The RAM The size of Flash Sector 0 and other device op- space includes up to 64 bytes for the stack from tions are configurable by Option byte. 00C0h to 00FFh. IMPORTANT: Memory locations marked as “Re- The highest address bytes contain the user reset served” must never be accessed. Accessing a re- and interrupt vectors. seved area can have unpredictable effects on the device. Figure 5. Memory Map 0000h HW Registers 0080h (see Table 2) Short Addressing 007Fh RAM (zero page) 0080h 00C0h RAM 64-Byte Stack (128 Bytes) 00FFh 00FFh 0100h DEE0h RCCRH0 DEE1h RCCRL0 DEE2h Reserved RCCRH1 1K FLASH DEE3h PROGRAM MEMORY RCCRL1 FBFFh see section 6.1 on page 17 FC00h FC00h 0.5 Kbytes SECTOR 1 FDFFh FE00h 0.5 Kbytes Flash Memory SECTOR 0 (1K) FFFFh FFDFh FFE0h Interrupt & Reset Vectors (see Table 7) FFFFh Note: 1. DEE0h, DEE1h, DEE2h and DEE3h addresses are located in a reserved area but are special bytes containing also the RC calibration values which are read-accessible only in user mode. If all the EEPROM data or Flash space (including the RC calibration values locations) has been erased (after the read-out protection removal), then the RC calibration values can still be obtained through these addresses. 8/108 1