TMC2590 DATASHEET (V1.0 / 2019-FEB-22) 10 4 Standalone Operation Standalone operation is the easiest way to use the IC. In this mode, three pins configure for the most common settings. Just use the standard application circuit, tie low / high the SPI input pins to set the desired basic operation parameters and choose a sense resistor to fit the required motor current. However, advanced configuration and access to individual diagnostics only is possible via SPI. CSN: SELECTION OF MOTOR CURRENT (USE FOR STANDSTILL CURRENT REDUCTION) CSN (CFG1)Chopper Setting GND Current Scale CS=15. Use for standstill current reduction, or to adapt lower sense resistor value. VCC_IO Current Scale CS=31. Maximum current. Control motor current by adapting sense resistors. SCK: SELECTION OF CHOPPER HYSTERESIS (ADAPT FOR LOWEST MOTOR NOISE & VIBRATION) SCK (CFG2)Chopper Setting GND Low hysteresis (HSTRT=2, HEND=4), use for larger motor. VCC_IO Medium hysteresis (HSTRT=6, HEND=4), typical for Nema17 or smaller motor, or for high speed motors with high coil currents. SDI: SELECTION OF MICROSTEP RESOLUTION (ADAPT TO STEP PULSE GENERATOR) SDI (CFG3)Chopper Setting GND 256 Microsteps full resolution for Step/Dir interface VCC_IO 16 Microsteps with internal interpolation to 256 microsteps +VM+VCCIOTMC2590VCC_IOGate driverHSGate DriverrSTEPeilNpitlSuSine TablexChopperDIRM p4*256 entryBMetSGate driverGate Driver2 Phase StepperST_ALONEStand AloneCSN/CFG1CurrentLSSCK/CFG2coolStepHysteresisSPI control,SDI/CFG3Config & DiagsRSMicrostepsSDO2 x CurrentRSRSProtection2 x DACEnable/ENNstallGuard2Comparator& DiagnosticsDisableSG_TSTFigure 3 Standalone configuration Standalone mode automatically enables resonance dampening (EN_PFD) and 136°C overtemperature detection (OT_SENSE), sensitive high-side short detection (SHRTSENSE) and enable low side short protection (S2VS). Driver strength becomes set to SLPL=SLPH=3. TOFF is 4, TBL is 36 clocks in this mode. All other bits are cleared to 0. In standalone configuration, StallGuard level is fixed to SGT=2. This setting will work for homing with many 42mm and larger motors in a suitable velocity range. Adapt to full or half current as fitting using CSN configuration pin. Resulting configuration words: SDI=0: $00200 / SDI=1: $00204 SCK=0: $90224 / SCK=1: $90264 CSN=0: $C020F / CSN=1: $C021F $E810F, $A0000