Datasheet AD9284 (Analog Devices)
Hersteller | Analog Devices |
Beschreibung | 8-Bit, 250 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) |
Seiten / Seite | 24 / 1 — 8-Bit, 250 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). Data … |
Revision | A |
Dateiformat / Größe | PDF / 1.4 Mb |
Dokumentensprache | Englisch |
8-Bit, 250 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual. Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC). Data Sheet. AD9284. FEATURES. GENERAL DESCRIPTION
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8-Bit, 250 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Data Sheet AD9284 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Single 1.8 V supply operation
The AD9284 is a dual 8-bit, monolithic sampling, analog-to-digital
SNR: 49.3 dBFS at 200 MHz input at 250 MSPS
converter (ADC) that supports simultaneous operation and is
SFDR: 65 dBc at 200 MHz input at 250 MSPS
optimized for low cost, low power, and ease of use. Each ADC
Low power: 314 mW at 250 MSPS
operates at up to a 250 MSPS conversion rate with outstanding
On-chip reference and track-and-hold
dynamic performance.
1.2 V p-p analog input range for each channel
The ADC requires a single 1.8 V supply and an encode clock for
Differential input with 500 MHz bandwidth
full performance operation. No external reference components
LVDS-compliant digital output
are required for many applications. The digital outputs are LVDS
DNL: ±0.2 LSB
Serial port control options Offset binary, Gray code, or twos complement data format
The AD9284 is available in a Pb-free, 48-lead LFCSP that is
Optional clock duty cycle stabilizer
specified over the industrial temperature range of −40°C to +85°C.
Built-in selectable digital test pattern generation PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS Pin-programmable power-down function Available in 48-lead LFCSP
1. Integrated Dual 8-Bit, 250 MSPS ADC. 2. Single 1.8 V Supply Operation with LVDS Outputs.
3. Power-Down Option Control ed via a Pin-Programmable
Diversity radio systems I/Q demodulation systems Battery-powered instruments Handheld scope meters Low cost digital oscilloscopes OTS: video over fiber FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM SDIO/ PWDN CSB SCLK OE CLK+ SPI R CLK– FFE U DS VIN+A V T B L U D7+ (MSB), D7– (MSB) ADC D0+ (LSB), D0– (LSB) TP VIN–A (CHANNEL A) OU VCM VREF REF ×1.5 DCO DCO+ SELECT CLOCK GENERATION 1.0V MANAGEMENT DCO– VREF R VIN–B FFE D7+ (MSB), D7– (MSB) ADC U D0+ (LSB), D0– (LSB) VIN+B DS (CHANNEL B) V T B L U TP OU AD9284
09085- Figure 1.
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Document Outline Features Applications General Description Product Highlights Functional Block Diagram Revision History Specifications DC Specifications AC Specifications Digital Specifications Switching Specifications SPI Timing Specifications Timing Diagram Absolute Maximum Ratings Thermal Resistance ESD Caution Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions Typical Performance Characteristics Equivalent Circuits Theory of Operation ADC Architecture Analog Input Considerations Differential Input Configurations Voltage Reference RBIAS Clock Input Considerations Clock Input Options Digital Outputs Digital Output Enable Function () Built-In Self-Test (BIST) and Output Test Built-In Self-Test (BIST) Output Test Modes Serial Port Interface (SPI) Configuration Using the SPI Hardware Interface Configuration Without the SPI SPI Accessible Features Memory Map Reading the Memory Map Register Table Open Locations Default Values Logic Levels Transfer Register Map Channel-Specific Registers Memory Map Register Table Memory Map Register Descriptions Voltage Reference (Register 0x18) Bits[7:5]—Reserved Bits[4:0]—Voltage Reference Applications Information Design Guidelines Power and Ground Recommendations Exposed Paddle Thermal Heat Sink Recommendations VCM RBIAS Reference Decoupling SPI Port Outline Dimensions Ordering Guide