RH37C W UTYPICAL PERFOR A CE CHARACTERISTICSInput Offset VoltageOpen-Loop GainInput Bias Current 150 170 350 VS = ±15V VS = ±15V VS = ±15V V 100 VCM = 0V 160 RL = 2k 300 CM = 0V VOUT = ±10V µV) 50 150 250 0 140 200 –50 130 150 –100 120 OPEN-LOOP GAIN (dB) 100 INPUT BIAS CURRENT (nA) INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE ( –150 110 50 –200 100 0 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 TOTAL DOSE KRAD (Si) TOTAL DOSE KRAD (Si) TOTAL DOSE KRAD (Si) RH37C G03 RH37C G04 RH37C G05 Common Mode Rejection RatioInput Offset CurrentPower Supply Rejection Ratio 170 75 140 V V S = ±15V S = ±15V VS = ±4V TO ±18V V V CM = ±11V CM = 0V 160 130 50 150 120 25 140 110 130 0 100 120 90 INPUT OFFSET CURRENT (nA) –25 110 80 COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO (dB) POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO (dB) 100 –50 70 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 TOTAL DOSE KRAD (Si) TOTAL DOSE KRAD (Si) TOTAL DOSE KRAD (Si) RH37C G06 RH37C G07 RH37C G08 WUTABLE 2: ELECTRICAL TEST REQUIRE E TSPDA Test NotesMIL-STD-883 TEST REQUIREMENTSSUBGROUP The PDA is specified as 5% based on failures from group A, subgroup 1, Final Electrical Test Requirements (Method 5004) 1*,2,3,4,5,6,7 tests after cooldown as the final electrical test in accordance with method Group A Test Requirements (Method 5005) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 5004 of MIL-STD-883 Class B. The verified failures of group A, subgroup Group B and D for Class S, and 1 1, after burn-in divided by the total number of devices submitted for burn- Group C and D for Class B in in that lot shall be used to determine the percent for the lot. End Point Electrical Parameters (Method 5005) Linear Technology Corporation reserves the right to test to tighter limits than those given. * PDA applies to subgroup 1. See PDA Test Notes. I.D. No. 66-10-0172 Rev. B 0398 rh37cb LT/HP 0398 100 REV B • PRINTED IN USA 4 Linear Technology Corporation 1630 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-7417 ● (408) 432-1900 FAX: (408) 434-0507 ● TELEX: 499-3977 ● www.linear-tech.com LINEAR TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 1993