LTC6363 Family ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS LTC6363 Only. The l denotes the specifications which apply over the fulloperating temperature range, otherwise specifications and typical values are at TA = 25°C. V+ = 10V, V– = 0V, VCM = VOCM = VICM =5V, VSHDN = open. VS is defined as (V+ – V–). VOUTCM is defined as (V+OUT + V–OUT)/2. VICM is defined as (V+IN + V–IN)/2. VOUTDIFF isdefined as (V+OUT – V–OUT). Typical specifications apply to the internal amplifier inside all versions.SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITS en (Note 7) Differential Input Noise Voltage 0.1Hz to 10Hz 2.5 µVP-P Differential Input Noise Voltage Density f = 100kHz (Not Including RI/RF) 2.9 nV/√Hz envocm Common Mode Noise Voltage Density f = 100kHz 20 nV/√Hz in Input Noise Current Density f = 100kHz (Not Including RI/RF) 0.55 pA/√Hz VICMR (Note 9) Input Common Mode Range VS = 3V l 0 1.8 V VS = 5V l 0 3.8 V VS = 10V l 0 8.8 V CMRRI (Note 7) Input Common Mode Rejection Ratio VS = 3V, VICM from 0V to 1.8V l 78 110 dB (Input Referred) ∆VICM/∆VOSDIFF VS = 5V, VICM from 0V to 3.8V l 85 115 dB VS = 10V, VICM from 0V to 8.8V l 90 120 dB CMRRIO (Note 7) Output Common Mode Rejection Ratio VS = 3V, VOCM from 0.5V to 2.5V l 70 120 dB (Input Referred) ∆VOCM/∆VOSDIFF VS = 5V, VOCM from 0.5V to 4.5V l 80 120 dB VS = 10V, VOCM from 0.5V to 9.5V l 90 120 dB VOUT Output Voltage, High, Either Output Pin IL= 0mA, VS = 3V l 2.8 2.88 V IL = –5mA, VS = 3V l 2.75 2.83 V IL= 0mA, VS = 5V l 4.8 4.88 V IL = –5mA, VS = 5V l 4.75 4.83 V IL= 0mA, VS = 10V l 9.8 9.88 V IL = –5mA, VS = 10V l 9.7 9.83 V Output Voltage, Low, Either Output Pin IL= 0mA, VS = 3V l 0.1 0.15 V IL = 5mA, VS = 3V l 0.15 0.25 V IL= 0mA, VS = 5V l 0.1 0.15 V IL = 5mA, VS = 5V l 0.15 0.25 V IL= 0mA, VS = 10V l 0.1 0.2 V IL = 5mA, VS = 10V l 0.15 0.3 V ISC Output Short-Circuit Current, Either VS = 3V, Output Shorted to 1.5V l 12 25 mA Output Pin, Sinking VS = 5V, Output Shorted to 2.5V l 13 35 mA VS = 10V, Output Shorted to 5V l 14 40 mA Output Short-Circuit Current, Either VS = 3V, Output Shorted to 1.5V l 25 55 mA Output Pin, Sourcing VS = 5V, Output Shorted to 2.5V l 27 75 mA VS = 10V, Output Shorted to 5V l 30 90 mA GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product fTEST = 200kHz 390 500 MHz l 230 MHz f–3dB –3dB Bandwidth RI = RF =1k 35 MHz SR Slew Rate Differential 18VP-P Output 75 V/μs FPBW (Note 11) Full Power Bandwidth 10VP-P Output 2.4 MHz 18VP-P Output 1.3 MHz HD2/HD3 2nd/3rd Order Harmonic Distortion f = 1kHz, VOUT = 18VP-P –123/–128 dBc Single-Ended Input f = 10kHz, VOUT = 18VP-P –120/–108 dBc f = 100kHz, VOUT = 18VP-P –92/–85 dBc tS Settling Time to a 8VP-P Output Step 0.1% 290 ns 0.01% 330 ns 0.0015% (16-Bit) 370 ns 4ppm (18-Bit) 720 ns 6363fb For more information 5