LTC6084/LTC6085 TheELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the full operatingtemperature range, otherwise specifi cations are at TA = 25°C. Test conditions are V+ = 2.5V, V– = 0V, VCM = 0.5V unless otherwise noted.C SUFFIXH SUFFIXSYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXMINTYPMAXUNITS ISC Output Short-Circuit Source and Sink 7.7 12.5 7.7 12.5 mA Current l 6 4.5 mA SR Slew Rate AV = 1 0.5 0.5 V/μs GBW Gain Bandwidth Product RLOAD = 50k, VCM = 1.25V 0.9 1.5 0.9 1.5 MHz (fTEST = 10kHz) l 0.7 0.6 Φ0 Phase Margin RL = 10k, CL = 150pF, AV = 1 45 45 Deg tS Settling Time 0.1% VSTEP = 1V, AV = 1 6 6 μs IS Supply Current No Load 110 130 110 130 μA (Per Amplifi er) l 140 145 μA Shutdown Current Shutdown, VSHDNx ≤ 0.5V l 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.5 μA (Per Amplifi er) VS Supply Voltage Range Guaranteed by the PSRR Test l 2.5 5.5 2.5 5.5 V Channel Separation fS = 10kHz –120 –120 dB Shutdown Logic SHDNx High 1.8 1.8 V SHDNx Low 0.5 0.5 V tON Turn On Time VSHDNx = 0.5V to 1.8V 7 7 μs tOFF Turn Off Time VSHDNx = 1.8V to 0.5V 1 1 μs Leakage of SHDN Pin VSHDNx = 0V l 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.5 μA The l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifi cations are at TA = 25°C. Testconditions are V+ = 5V, V– = 0V, VCM = 0.5V unless otherwise noted.C SUFFIXH SUFFIXSYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXMINTYPMAXUNITS VOS Offset Voltage (Note 5) LTC6084MS8, LTC6085GN 300 750 300 750 μV LTC6084DD, LTC6085DHC 300 1100 300 1100 μV LTC6084MS8, LTC6085GN l 900 1100 μV LTC6084DD, LTC6085DHC l 1350 1600 μV ΔV l OS/ΔT Input Offset Voltage Drift 2 5 2 5 μV/°C (Note 6) IB Input Bias Current 1 1 pA (Notes 5, 7) l 40 750 pA IOS Input Offset Current 0.5 0.5 pA (Notes 5, 7) l 30 150 pA en Input Noise Voltage f = 1kHz 31 31 nV/√Hz Density f = 10kHz 27 27 nV/√Hz Input Noise Voltage 0.1Hz to 10Hz 3 3 μVP-P in Input Noise Current 0.56 0.56 fA/√Hz Density (Note 8) Input Common Mode l V– V+ V– V+ V Range CIN Input Capacitance f = 100kHz Differential Mode 5 5 pF Common Mode 9 9 pF 60845fa 4