RH1016M TABLE 2: ELECTRICAL TEST REQUIREMENTSPDA Test NotesMIL-STD-883 TEST REQUIREMENTSSUBGROUP The PDA is specifi ed as 5% based on failures from group A, subgroup 1, Final Electrical Test Requirements (Method 5004) 1*,2,3,4,5 tests after cooldown as the fi nal electrical test in accordance with method Group A Test Requirements (Method 5005) 1*,2,3,4,5 5004 of MIL-STD-883. The verifi ed failures of group A, subgroup 1, after Group B and D for Class S, 1,2,3 burn-in divided by the total number of devices submitted for burn-in in that End Point Electrical Parameters (Method 5005) lot shall be used to determine the percent for the lot. *PDA applies to subgroup 1. See PDA Test Notes. Linear Technology Corporation reserves the right to test to tighter limits than those given. TOTAL DOSE BIAS CIRCUIT V+ 5V RH1016 W10 TO FP14 R1 C1 1 14 5.11k 0.01μF 2 13 V+ Q 3 12 +IN Q R2 4 11 –IN GND 1k 5 10 V– EN C2 6 9 R3 NC NC 5.11k 0.01μF 7 8 RH1016 BIAS V– –5V rh1016fa 4