Silicon AnomalyADIS16480Table 8. Magnetometer Calibration Equation Updates [er008] Background The ADIS16480 offers a 3 × 3 soft iron correction matrix and a 3 × 1 hard iron correction array for users who implement these types of correction processes into their systems and processes. Each of these correction factors has a user programmable register location that contains their specific values. Issue The manner in which these factors apply to the magnetometer data has changed. On units that have Firmware Revision 2.02 and earlier, these correction factors apply to the magnetometer data using the following formula: M 1 S S S XC + 11 12 13 M H X X M = S 1 + S S × M + H YC 21 22 23 Y Y M S S 1 + S M H ZC 31 32 33 Z Z On units that have Firmware Revision 2.03 and later, these correction factors apply to the magnetometer data using the following formula: M 1 S S S XC + 11 12 13 M H X X M = S 1 + S S × M H YC 21 22 23 + Y Y M S S 1 + S M H ZC 31 32 33 Z Z This difference is associated with Revision B of the ADIS16480 data sheet. Workaround For those who use this function and want to maintain long term consistency, use external processing to apply these correction factors to the magnetometer data produced by ADIS16480 units that have Firmware Revision 2.02 or earlier. Related Issues None. ANOMALY STATUSTable 9. ADIS16480 Functionality Issues Status Reference NumberDescriptionStatus Date Code er001 Incorrect scale factors for the x_DELTANG_OUT registers and the x_DELTANG_LOW registers Fixed 1226 er002 Incorrect scale factors for the x_DELTVEL_OUT registers and the x_DELTVEL_LOW registers Fixed 1226 er003 Inaccurate TEMP_OUT readings Fixed 1226 er004 Incorrect output data string after writing to the FNCTIO_CTRL register Fixed 1226 er005 Incorrect offset and scale correction order Fixed 1226 er006 Factory restore command in GLOB_CMD not working properly Fixed 1314 er007 EKF setting time and accuracy affected by accidental writes to hidden register Open er008 Magnetometer calibration equation updates Open Rev. 0 | Page 3 of 4 Document Outline FUNCTIONALITY ISSUES ANOMALY STATUS