Datasheet MCP1804 (Microchip) - 4
Hersteller | Microchip |
Beschreibung | 150 mA, 28V LDO Regulator With Shutdown |
Seiten / Seite | 36 / 4 — MCP1804. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONTINUED). Electrical … |
Revision | 10-29-2013 |
Dateiformat / Größe | PDF / 2.3 Mb |
Dokumentensprache | Englisch |
MCP1804. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (CONTINUED). Electrical Specifications:. Note 1. Parameters. Sym. Min. Typ. Max. Units. Conditions

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Unless otherwise specified, all limits are established for VIN = VR + 2.0V,
Note 1
, COUT = 1 µF (X7R), CIN = 1 µF (X7R), VSHDN = VIN, TA = +25°C
Parameters Sym. Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions
Line Regulation VOUT/(VOUT- — (VR + 2V) VIN 28V,
Note 1
XVIN) — 0.05 0.10 %/V IOUT = 5 mA — 0.15 0.30 %/V IOUT = 13 mA Load Regulation VOUT/VOUT — IL = 1.0 mA to 50 mA,
Note 4
— 50 90 mV 1.8V VOUT 5.0V — 110 175 mV 5.1V VOUT 12.0V — 180 275 mV 12.1V VOUT 18.0V Dropout Voltage VDROPOUT — IL = 20 mA
Note 1
Note 5
— 550 710 mV 1.8V VR 1.9V — 450 600 mV 2.0V VR 2.1V — 390 520 mV 2.2V VR 2.4V — 310 450 mV 2.5V VR 2.9V — 260 360 mV 3.0V VR 3.9V — 220 320 mV 4.0V VR 4.9V — 190 280 mV 5.0V VR 6.4V — 170 230 mV 6.5V VR 8.0V — 130 190 mV 8.1V VR 10.0V — 120 170 mV 10.1V VR 18.0V — IL = 100 mA — 2200 2700 mV 1.8V VR 1.9V — 1900 2600 mV 2.0V VR 2.1V — 1700 2200 mV 2.2V VR 2.4V — 1500 1900 mV 2.5V VR 2.9V — 1300 1700 mV 3.0V VR 3.9V — 1100 1500 mV 4.0V VR 4.9V — 1000 1300 mV 5.0V VR 6.4V — 800 1150 mV 6.5V VR 8.0V — 700 950 mV 8.1V VR 10.0V — 650 850 mV 10.1V VR 18.0V SHDN “H” Voltage VSHDN_H 1.1 — VIN V VIN = 28V SHDN “L” Voltage VSHDN_L 0 — 0.35 V VIN = 28V SHDN Current ISHDN -0.1 — 0.1 µA VIN = 28V, VSHDN = GND or VIN
Note 1:
The minimum VIN must meet one condition: VIN (VR + 2.0V).
VR is the nominal regulator output voltage with an input voltage of VIN = VR + 2.0V. For example: VR = 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.0V, 3.3V, etc.
TCVOUT = (VOUT-HIGH - VOUT-LOW) * 106 / (VR * Temperature), VOUT-HIGH = highest voltage measured over the temperature range. VOUT-LOW = lowest voltage measured over the temperature range.
Load regulation is measured at a constant junction temperature using low duty cycle pulse testing. Changes in output voltage due to heating effects are determined using thermal regulation specification TCVOUT.
Dropout voltage is defined as the input to output differential at which the output voltage drops 2% below its measured value with an applied input voltage of VR + 2.0V. DS20002200D-page 4 2009-2013 Microchip Technology Inc. Document Outline Features Applications Related Literature Description Package Types Functional Block Diagram Typical Application Circuit 1.0 Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings 2.0 Typical Performance Curves FIGURE 2-1: Output Voltage vs. Output Current. FIGURE 2-2: Output Voltage vs. Output Current. FIGURE 2-3: Output Voltage vs. Output Current. FIGURE 2-4: Output Voltage vs. Output Current. FIGURE 2-5: Output Voltage vs. Output Current. FIGURE 2-6: Output Voltage vs. Output Current. FIGURE 2-7: Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-8: Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-9: Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-10: Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-11: Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-12: Output Voltage vs. Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-13: Dropout Voltage vs. Load Current. FIGURE 2-14: Dropout Voltage vs. Load Current. FIGURE 2-15: Dropout Voltage vs. Load Current. FIGURE 2-16: Supply Current vs. Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-17: Supply Current vs. Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-18: Supply Current vs. Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-19: Supply Current vs. Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-20: Supply Current vs. Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-21: Supply Current vs. Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-22: Output Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-23: Output Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-24: Output Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-25: Dynamic Line Response. FIGURE 2-26: Dynamic Line Response. FIGURE 2-27: Dynamic Line Response. FIGURE 2-28: Dynamic Line Response. FIGURE 2-29: Dynamic Line Response. FIGURE 2-30: Dynamic Line Response. FIGURE 2-31: Dynamic Load Response. FIGURE 2-32: Dynamic Load Response. FIGURE 2-33: Dynamic Load Response. FIGURE 2-34: Start-up Response. FIGURE 2-35: Start-up Response. FIGURE 2-36: Start-up Response. FIGURE 2-37: Start-up Response. FIGURE 2-38: Start-up Response. FIGURE 2-39: Start-up Response. FIGURE 2-40: SHDN Response. FIGURE 2-41: SHDN Response. FIGURE 2-42: SHDN Response. FIGURE 2-43: SHDN Response. FIGURE 2-44: SHDN Response. FIGURE 2-45: SHDN Response. FIGURE 2-46: PSRR 3.3V @ 1 mA. FIGURE 2-47: PSRR 5.0V @ 1 mA. FIGURE 2-48: PSRR 12.0V @ 1 mA. FIGURE 2-49: PSRR 3.3V @ 30 mA. FIGURE 2-50: PSRR 5.0V @ 30 mA. FIGURE 2-51: PSRR 12V @ 30 mA. FIGURE 2-52: Ground Current vs. Output Current. FIGURE 2-53: Ground Current vs. Output Current. FIGURE 2-54: Ground Current vs. Output Current. FIGURE 2-55: Output Noise vs. Frequency. 3.0 Pin Descriptions TABLE 3-1: MCP1804 Pin Function Table 3.1 Unregulated Input Voltage (VIN) 3.2 Ground Terminal (GND) 3.3 Shutdown Input (SHDN) 3.4 Regulated Output Voltage (VOUT) 3.5 No Connect (NC) 4.0 Detailed Description 4.1 Output Regulation 4.2 Overcurrent 4.3 Shutdown 4.4 Output Capacitor 4.5 Input Capacitor 4.6 Thermal Shutdown FIGURE 4-1: Block Diagram. 5.0 Functional Description 5.1 Input 5.2 Output 6.0 Application Circuits and Issues 6.1 Typical Application FIGURE 6-1: Typical Application Circuit. 6.1.1 Application Input Conditions 6.2 Power Calculations 6.2.1 Power Dissipation 6.3 Voltage Regulator 6.3.1 Power Dissipation Example Device Junction Temperature Rise Junction Temperature Estimate 6.4 Voltage Reference FIGURE 6-2: Using the MCP1804 as a Voltage Reference. 6.5 Pulsed Load Applications 7.0 Packaging Information 7.1 Package Marking Information Appendix A: Revision History Product Identification System Trademarks Worldwide Sales and Service