LTC5536 UUUPI FU CTIO SRFIN (Pin 1): RF Input Voltage. Referenced to VCC. A LEN (Pin 4): Latch Enable Input. Output is latched when coupling capacitor must be used to connect to the RF LEN is high and transparent when LEN is low. signal source. The frequency range is 600MHz to 7GHz. V This pin has an internal 500Ω termination, an internal OUT (Pin 5): Comparator Output. Schottky diode detector and a peak detector capacitor. VCC (Pin 6): Power Supply Voltage, 2.7V to 5.5V. V GND (Pin 2): Ground. CC should be bypassed appropriately with ceramic capacitors. VM (Pin 3): Comparator Negative Input. Apply reference voltage to this pin. WBLOCK DIAGRA RFSOURCE 12pF TO 200pF (DEPENDING ON VCC APPLICATION) 6 + COMP 5 VOUT – 500Ω 1 RFIN 3 VM 500Ω VP BIAS 7.5k 15pF + 100mV RF DET DC BIAS 7.5k – 4 LEN 50µA 50µA 10k 110k GND 2 5536 BD 5536f 7