LTC5530 UUUPI FU CTIO SRFIN (Pin 1): RF Input Voltage. Referenced to VCC. A ensure that the part is in shutdown when no input is coupling capacitor must be used to connect to the RF applied. In shutdown VOUT is connected to ground via a signal source. The frequency range is 300MHz to 7GHz. 280Ω resistor. This pin has an internal 500Ω termination, an internal V Schottky diode detector and a peak detector capacitor. M (Pin 4): Negative Input to Buffer Amplifier. VGND (Pin 2): Ground. OUT (Pin 5): Detector Output. VSHDN (Pin 3): Shutdown Input. A logic low on the SHDN CC (Pin 6): Power Supply Voltage, 2.7V to 6V. VCC should be bypassed appropriately with ceramic capacitors. pin places the part in shutdown mode. A logic high enables the part. SHDN has an internal 160k pulldown resistor to WBLOCK DIAGRA RFSOURCE VCC 6 BIAS SHUTDOWN 500Ω SD 1 RFIN + 500Ω BUFFER 5 VOUT – 31k 4 VM 25pF + RF DET 180Ω 24k – SD 100Ω SD 50µA 50µA 40k GND 2 160k 5530 BD 3 SHDN 5530f 8