Datasheet MCP6V06, MCP6V07, MCP6V08 (Microchip) - 6
Hersteller | Microchip |
Beschreibung | The MCP6V06/7/8 family of operational amplifiers has input offset voltage correction for very low offset and offset drift |
Seiten / Seite | 44 / 6 — MCP6V06/7/8. 1.3. Timing Diagrams. 1.4. Test Circuits. Section 4.3.8 … |
Dateiformat / Größe | PDF / 1.0 Mb |
Dokumentensprache | Englisch |
MCP6V06/7/8. 1.3. Timing Diagrams. 1.4. Test Circuits. Section 4.3.8 “Supply Bypassing. and Filtering”. FIGURE 1-1:. MCP6V0X. FIGURE 1-5:

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MCP6V06/7/8 1.3 Timing Diagrams 1.4 Test Circuits
The circuits used for the DC and AC tests are shown in Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-6. Lay the bypass capacitors 1.8V to 5.5V V 1.8V 0V out as discussed in
Section 4.3.8 “Supply Bypassing
and Filtering”
. RN is equal to the parallel combination tSTR V of R OS + 50 µV F and RG to minimize bias current effects. VOS VOS – 50 µV VDD 1 µF R V N IN RISO VOUT
Amplifier Start Up.
CL RL 100 nF V V DD/3 IN VL t R STL G R V F OS + 50 µV
AC and DC Test Circuit for VOS Most Non-Inverting Gain Conditions. VOS + 50 µV VDD 1 µF
Offset Correction Settling R V N Time. DD/3 RISO VOUT
AC and DC Test Circuit for t Most Inverting Gain Conditions. ODR VOUT V The circuit in Figure 1-7 tests the op amp input’s DD/2 dynamic behavior (i.e., IMD, tSTR, tSTL and tODR). The VSS potentiometer balances the resistor network (VOUT should equal VREF at DC). The op amp’s common
Output Overdrive Recovery. mode input voltage is VCM = VIN/2. The error at the input (VERR) appears at VOUT with a noise gain of 10 V/V. CS VIL VIH tON tOFF 20.0 kΩ 20.0 kΩ 50Ω 0.1% 0.1% 25 turn V V OUT High-Z High-Z REF 1 µA 1 µA VDD 1 µF kΩ I (typical) 300 µA (typical) DD (typical) 49 RISO V 2. OUT 300 µA VIN kΩ -2 µA C I (typical) -2 µA L RL SS 9 100 nF (typical) (typical) 2.4 5 pA
VL I (typical) CS VDD/5 MΩ VDD/5 MΩ (typical) 20.0 kΩ (typical) 20.0 kΩ 24.9 Ω 0.1% 0.1%
Chip Select (MCP6V08).
Test Circuit for Dynamic Input Behavior. DS22093B-page 6 © 2008 Microchip Technology Inc. Document Outline 1.0 Electrical Characteristics 1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings † 1.2 Specifications TABLE 1-1: DC Electrical Specifications (Continued) TABLE 1-2: AC Electrical Specifications TABLE 1-3: Digital Electrical Specifications TABLE 1-4: Temperature Specifications 1.3 Timing Diagrams FIGURE 1-1: Amplifier Start Up. FIGURE 1-2: Offset Correction Settling Time. FIGURE 1-3: Output Overdrive Recovery. FIGURE 1-4: Chip Select (MCP6V08). 1.4 Test Circuits FIGURE 1-5: AC and DC Test Circuit for Most Non-Inverting Gain Conditions. FIGURE 1-6: AC and DC Test Circuit for Most Inverting Gain Conditions. FIGURE 1-7: Test Circuit for Dynamic Input Behavior. 2.0 Typical Performance Curves 2.1 DC Input Precision FIGURE 2-1: Input Offset Voltage. FIGURE 2-2: Input Offset Voltage Drift. FIGURE 2-3: Input Offset Voltage Quadratic Temp Co. FIGURE 2-4: Input Offset Voltage vs. Power Supply Voltage with VCM = VCMR_L. FIGURE 2-5: Input Offset Voltage vs. Power Supply Voltage with VCM = VCMR_H. FIGURE 2-6: Input Offset Voltage vs. Output Voltage. FIGURE 2-7: Input Offset Voltage vs. Common Mode Voltage with VDD = 1.8V. FIGURE 2-8: Input Offset Voltage vs. Common Mode Voltage with VDD = 5.5V. FIGURE 2-9: CMRR. FIGURE 2-10: PSRR. FIGURE 2-11: DC Open-Loop Gain. FIGURE 2-12: CMRR and PSRR vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-13: DC Open-Loop Gain vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-14: Input Bias and Offset Currents vs. Common Mode Input Voltage with TA = +85˚C. FIGURE 2-15: Input Bias and Offset Currents vs. Common Mode Input Voltage with TA = +125˚C. FIGURE 2-16: Input Bias and Offset Currents vs. Ambient Temperature with VDD = +5.5V. FIGURE 2-17: Input Bias Current vs. Input Voltage (below VSS). 2.2 Other DC Voltages and Currents FIGURE 2-18: Input Common Mode Voltage Headroom (Range) vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-19: Output Voltage Headroom vs. Output Current. FIGURE 2-20: Output Voltage Headroom vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-21: Output Short Circuit Current vs. Power Supply Voltage. FIGURE 2-22: Supply Current vs. Power Supply Voltage. FIGURE 2-23: Power On Reset Trip Voltage. FIGURE 2-24: Power On Reset Voltage vs. Ambient Temperature. 2.3 Frequency Response FIGURE 2-25: CMRR and PSRR vs. Frequency. FIGURE 2-26: Open-Loop Gain vs. Frequency with VDD = 1.8V. FIGURE 2-27: Open-Loop Gain vs. Frequency with VDD = 5.5V. FIGURE 2-28: Gain Bandwidth Product and Phase Margin vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-29: Gain Bandwidth Product and Phase Margin vs. Common Mode Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-30: Gain Bandwidth Product and Phase Margin vs. Output Voltage. FIGURE 2-31: Closed-Loop Output Impedance vs. Frequency with VDD = 1.8V. FIGURE 2-32: Closed-Loop Output Impedance vs. Frequency with VDD = 5.5V. FIGURE 2-33: Channel-to-Channel Separation vs. Frequency. FIGURE 2-34: Maximum Output Voltage Swing vs. Frequency. 2.4 Input Noise and Distortion FIGURE 2-35: Input Noise Voltage Density vs. Frequency. FIGURE 2-36: Input Noise Voltage Density vs. Input Common Mode Voltage. FIGURE 2-37: Inter-Modulation Distortion vs. Frequency with VCM Disturbance (see Figure 1-7). FIGURE 2-38: Inter-Modulation Distortion vs. Frequency with VDD Disturbance (see Figure 1-7). FIGURE 2-39: Input Noise vs. Time with 1 Hz and 10 Hz Filters and VDD =1.8V. FIGURE 2-40: Input Noise vs. Time with 1 Hz and 10 Hz Filters and VDD =5.5V. 2.5 Time Response FIGURE 2-41: Input Offset Voltage vs. Time with Temperature Change. FIGURE 2-42: Input Offset Voltage vs. Time at Power Up. FIGURE 2-43: The MCP6V06/7/8 family shows no input phase reversal with overdrive. FIGURE 2-44: Non-inverting Small Signal Step Response. FIGURE 2-45: Non-inverting Large Signal Step Response. FIGURE 2-46: Inverting Small Signal Step Response. FIGURE 2-47: Inverting Large Signal Step Response. FIGURE 2-48: Slew Rate vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-49: Output Overdrive Recovery vs. Time with G = -100 V/V. FIGURE 2-50: Output Overdrive Recovery Time vs. Inverting Gain. 2.6 Chip Select Response (MCP6V08 only) FIGURE 2-51: Chip Select Current vs. Power Supply Voltage. FIGURE 2-52: Power Supply Current vs. Chip Select Voltage with VDD = 1.8V. FIGURE 2-53: Power Supply Current vs. Chip Select Voltage with VDD = 5.5V. FIGURE 2-54: Chip Select Current vs. Chip Select Voltage. FIGURE 2-55: Chip Select Voltage, Output Voltage vs. Time with VDD = 1.8V. FIGURE 2-56: Chip Select Voltage, Output Voltage vs. Time with VDD = 5.5V. FIGURE 2-57: Chip Select Relative Logic Thresholds vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-58: Chip Select Hysteresis. FIGURE 2-59: Chip Select Turn On Time vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-60: Chip Select’s Pull-down Resistor (RPD) vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-61: Quiescent Current in Shutdown vs. Power Supply Voltage. 3.0 Pin Descriptions TABLE 3-1: Pin Function Table 3.1 Analog Outputs 3.2 Analog Inputs 3.3 Power Supply Pins 3.4 Chip Select (CS) Digital Input 3.5 Exposed Thermal Pad (EP) 4.0 Applications 4.1 Overview of Auto-zeroing Operation FIGURE 4-1: Simplified Auto-zeroed Op Amp Functional Diagram. FIGURE 4-2: Normal Mode of Operation (f1); Equivalent Amplifier Diagram. FIGURE 4-3: Auto-zeroing Mode of Operation (f2); Equivalent Diagram. 4.2 Other Functional Blocks FIGURE 4-4: Simplified Analog Input ESD Structures. FIGURE 4-5: Protecting the Analog Inputs. 4.3 Application Tips FIGURE 4-6: Output Resistor, RISO, Stabilizes Capacitive Loads. FIGURE 4-7: Recommended RISO values for Capacitive Loads. FIGURE 4-8: Output Load Issue. FIGURE 4-9: One Solution To Output Load Issue. FIGURE 4-10: Additional Supply Filtering. FIGURE 4-11: PCB Layout and Schematic for Single Non-inverting and Inverting Amplifiers. FIGURE 4-12: PCB Layout and Schematic for Single Difference Amplifier. FIGURE 4-13: PCB Layout and Schematic for Dual Non-inverting Amplifier. FIGURE 4-14: PCB Layout for Individual Resistors. 4.4 Typical Applications FIGURE 4-15: Simple Design. FIGURE 4-16: High Performance Design. FIGURE 4-17: RTD Sensor. FIGURE 4-18: Thermocouple Sensor; Simplified Circuit. FIGURE 4-19: Thermocouple Sensor. FIGURE 4-20: Offset Correction. FIGURE 4-21: Precision Comparator. 5.0 Design Aids 5.1 SPICE Macro Model 5.2 FilterLab® Software 5.3 Mindi™ Circuit Designer & Simulator 5.4 Microchip Advanced Part Selector (MAPS) 5.5 Analog Demonstration and Evaluation Boards 5.6 Application Notes 6.0 Packaging Information 6.1 Package Marking Information