Datasheet MCP6031, MCP6032, MCP6035, MCP6034 (Microchip) - 9

BeschreibungThe MCP6031 operational amplifier (op amp) has a gain bandwidth of 10 kHz with a low typical operating current of 900 nA and an offset voltage that is less than 150 uV
Seiten / Seite34 / 9 — MCP6031/2/3/4. Note:. 130. 120. uct. Phase Margin. B 110. Prod. 100. -Ch. …
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MCP6031/2/3/4. Note:. 130. 120. uct. Phase Margin. B 110. Prod. 100. -Ch. th d. rgin. Hz) 10. l-to. ration. Gain Bandwidth Product. e Ma. ndwi. anne

MCP6031/2/3/4 Note: 130 120 uct Phase Margin B 110 Prod 100 -Ch th d rgin Hz) 10 l-to ration Gain Bandwidth Product e Ma ndwi anne

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MCP6031/2/3/4 Note:
Unless otherwise indicated, T ≈ A = +25°C, VDD = +1.8V to +5.5V, VSS = GND, VCM = VDD/2, VOUT VDD/2, VL = VDD/2, RL = 1 MΩ to VL, CL = 60 pF and CS is tied low.
130 20 90 120 18 80 el uct ) 16 Phase Margin 70 ) nn B 110 a d 14 ( Prod 60 100 -Ch 12 th d 50 rgin Hz) 10 l-to ration 90 (k 40 8 Gain Bandwidth Product e Ma pe ndwi 80 30 as anne 6 h h Se 20 P C 4 70 VDD = 1.8V Input Referred 2 Gain Ba 10 G = +1 V/V 60 0 0 100 1,000 10,000 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 Frequency (Hz) Ambient Temperature (°C) FIGURE 2-19:
FIGURE 2-22:
Gain Bandwidth Product, Separation vs. Frequency ( MCP6032/4 only). Phase Margin vs. Ambient Temperature.
20 180 35 18 160 t n 16 140 30 roduct °) Gain Bandwidth Product rre 14 ( TA = -40°C P 120 25 h in 12 TA = +25°C z) 100 it Cu T H 10 arg 20 A = +85°C rcu ) (k 80 TA = +125°C 8 Phase Margin e M 15 (mA 6 60 as h hort Ci 10 4 40 P VDD = 5.5V 2 Gain Bandwidt G = +1 V/V 20 5 0 0 tput S 0 .5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 Ou -0 0. 0. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Common Mode Input Voltage (V) Power Supply Voltage (V) FIGURE 2-20:
Gain Bandwidth Product,
FIGURE 2-23:
Ouput Short Circuit Current Phase Margin vs. Common Mode Input Voltage. vs. Power Supply Voltage.
20 90 ) 10 P V t DD = 5.5V 18 P- 80 V uc 16 Phase Margin V 70 DD = 3.0V 14 (°) VDD = 1.8V Prod 60 in wing ( 12 th rg d 50 1 Hz) 10 Gain Bandwidth Product (k 40 8 e Ma tage S andwi 6 30 as Vol 4 20 Ph ut p ain B V 2 DD = 5.5V G 10 G = +1 V/V Out 0 0 0.1 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 100 125 10 100 1000 1K 1000 10 0 K Ambient Temperature (°C) Frequency (Hz) FIGURE 2-21:
Gain Bandwidth Product,
FIGURE 2-24:
Output Voltage Swing vs. Phase Margin vs. Ambient Temperature. Frequency. © 2008 Microchip Technology Inc. DS22041B-page 9 Document Outline 1.0 Electrical Characteristics FIGURE 1-1: Timing Diagram for the CS Pin on the MCP6033. 1.1 Test Circuits FIGURE 1-2: AC and DC Test Circuit for Most Non-Inverting Gain Conditions. FIGURE 1-3: AC and DC Test Circuit for Most Inverting Gain Conditions. 2.0 Typical Performance Curves FIGURE 2-1: Input Offset Voltage with VDD = 3.0V. FIGURE 2-2: Input Offset Voltage Drift with VDD = 3.0V and TA £ +85˚C. FIGURE 2-3: Input Offset Voltage Drift with VDD = 3.0V and TA ³ +85˚C. FIGURE 2-4: Input Offset Voltage vs. Common Mode Input Voltage with VDD = 5.5V. FIGURE 2-5: Input Offset Voltage vs. Common Mode Input Voltage with VDD = 1.8V. FIGURE 2-6: Input Offset Voltage vs. Output Voltage. FIGURE 2-7: Input Noise Voltage Density vs. Frequency. FIGURE 2-8: Input Noise Voltage Density vs. Common Mode Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-9: Common Mode Rejection Ratio, Power Supply Rejection Ratio vs. Frequency. FIGURE 2-10: Common Mode Rejection Ratio, Power Supply Rejection Ratio vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-11: Input Bias, Offset Currents vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-12: Input Bias Current vs. Common Mode Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-13: Quiescent Current vs Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-14: Quiescent Current vs. Power Supply Voltage with VCM = VDD. FIGURE 2-15: Quiescent Current vs. Power Supply Voltage with VCM = VSS. FIGURE 2-16: Open-Loop Gain, Phase vs. Frequency. FIGURE 2-17: DC Open-Loop Gain vs. Power Supply Voltage. FIGURE 2-18: DC Open-Loop Gain vs. Output Voltage Headroom. FIGURE 2-19: Channel-to-Channel Separation vs. Frequency ( MCP6032/4 only). FIGURE 2-20: Gain Bandwidth Product, Phase Margin vs. Common Mode Input Voltage. FIGURE 2-21: Gain Bandwidth Product, Phase Margin vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-22: Gain Bandwidth Product, Phase Margin vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-23: Ouput Short Circuit Current vs. Power Supply Voltage. FIGURE 2-24: Output Voltage Swing vs. Frequency. FIGURE 2-25: Output Voltage Headroom vs. Output Current. FIGURE 2-26: Output Voltage Headroom vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-27: Slew Rate vs. Ambient Temperature. FIGURE 2-28: Small Signal Non-Inverting Pulse Response. FIGURE 2-29: Small Signal Inverting Pulse Response. FIGURE 2-30: Large Signal Non-Inverting Pulse Response. FIGURE 2-31: Large Signal Inverting Pulse Response. FIGURE 2-32: The MCP6031/2/3/4 family shows no phase reversal . FIGURE 2-33: Chip Select (CS) to Amplifier Output Response Time (MCP6033 only). FIGURE 2-34: Chip Select (CS) Hysteresis (MCP6033 only) with VDD = 5.5V. FIGURE 2-35: Chip Select (CS) Hysteresis (MCP6033 only) with VDD = 3.0V. FIGURE 2-36: Chip Select (CS) Hysteresis (MCP6033 only) with VDD = 1.8V. FIGURE 2-37: Closed Loop Output Impedance vs. Frequency. FIGURE 2-38: Measured Input Current vs. Input Voltage (below VSS). 3.0 Pin Descriptions TABLE 3-1: Pin Function Table 3.1 Analog Outputs 3.2 Analog Inputs 3.3 Chip Select Digital Input 3.4 Power Supply Pins 4.0 Application Information 4.1 Rail-to-Rail Input FIGURE 4-1: Simplified Analog Input ESD Structures. FIGURE 4-2: Protecting the Analog Inputs. 4.2 Rail-to-Rail Output 4.3 Output Loads and Battery Life 4.4 Capacitive Loads FIGURE 4-3: Output resistor, RISO stabilizes large capacitive loads. FIGURE 4-4: Recommended RISO values for Capacitive Loads. 4.5 MCP6033 Chip Select 4.6 Supply Bypass 4.7 Unused Op Amps FIGURE 4-5: Unused Op Amps. 4.8 PCB Surface Leakage FIGURE 4-6: Example Guard Ring Layout for Inverting Gain. 4.9 Application Circuits FIGURE 4-7: High Side Battery Current Sensor. FIGURE 4-8: Precision, Non-inverting Comparator. FIGURE 4-9: Driving the MCP3421 using an R-C Snubber. 5.0 Design Aids 5.1 SPICE Macro Model 5.2 FilterLab® Software 5.3 Mindi™ Circuit Designer & Simulator 5.4 MAPS (Microchip Advanced Part Selector) 5.5 Analog Demonstration and Evaluation Boards 5.6 Application Notes 6.0 Packaging Information 6.1 Package Marking Information