AD215Input Gain Adjustments for the Inverting ModeUSING ISOLATED POWER Figure 17 shows a suggested inverting gain adjustment circuit. Each AD215 provides an unregulated, isolated bipolar power In this circuit, gain adjustment is made using a potentiometer source of ± 15 V dc @ ± 10 mA, referred to the input common. (R This source may be used to power various ancillary components P) in the feedback loop. The adjustments are effective for all gains in the 1 to 10 V/V range. such as signal conditioning and/or adjustment circuitry, refer- ences, op amps or remote transducers. Figure 19 shows typical connections. RRRINCFFB4CF47pFRIN–AD215FIN–3OUT HI3OUT HI1k Ω OUTPUT38IN+IN+OUTPUT3811FILTER,FILTER,FBBUFFERBUFFER4VANDSIGNALANDIN COMTRIMOUT LOTRIM237IN COMOUT LOCIRCUITRY2CIRCUITRY37TRIM 36TRIMLOAD36+VISO+VSAD215COM642+15V dc43C1PWR1.5k Ω PWR430kHz2.2µF6.8µFISOLATEDRTNCOMRTNPOWER43DCC2OSCIL-1.5k Ω –VSUPPLY6.8µFISOLATOR–V2.2µFS544–15V dc Figure 17. Gain Adjustment for Inverting Configuration For an approximate ± 1% gain trim range, Figure 19. Using the Isolated Power Supplies × R R = RIN F X + RIN RF PCB LAYOUT FOR MULTICHANNEL APPLICATIONS The pin out of the AD215 has been designed to easily facilitate and select multichannel applications. Figure 20a shows a recommended RC = 0.02 × RIN circuit board layout for a unity gain configuration. while R PWR F < 10 kΩ RTN CF = 47 pF +15V dc–15V dcSUPPLY BYPASS Note: R CAPACITORS FOR F and RIN should have matched temperature coefficient 2.2µFEVERY FOUR drift characteristics. 2.2µFAD215sOutput Offset Adjustments38OUT HI3604244 Figure 18 illustrates one method of adjusting the output offset TRIM 03743 voltage. Since the AD215 exhibits a nominal output offset of –35 mV, the circuit shown was chosen to yield an offset correc- 38OUT HI3614244 tion of 0 mV to +73 mV. This results in a total output offset TRIM 137 range of approximately –35 mV to +38 mV. 4338OUT HI3624244TRIM 2ANALOGIN–37STAR3OUT HI43GROUNDIN+38138OUT HI3LOW-PASS364244FBOUTPUTR4FILTER,BUFFERTTRIM 3(150k Ω )37TRIM1M Ω RP243IN COM36210k Ω RS2.2µF33k Ω 0.01µF100k Ω 2.2µFOUT LO37+15V42IN+15V dc Figure 20a. PCB Layout for Unity Gain AD2152.2µFPWR RTN 43COM2.2µF–15V–15V dcCAUTIONIN 44 The AD215 design does not provide short-circuit protection of its isolated power supply. A current limiting resistor should be Figure 18. Output Offset Adjustment Circuit placed in series with the supply terminals and the load in order Output Gain Adjustments to protect against inadvertent shorts. Since the output amplifier stage of the AD215 is fixed at unity gain, any adjustments can be made only in a subsequent stage. REV. 0 –9–