AD7910/AD7920PIN CONFIGURATIONS AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONSVV8VDD16CSDD1INAD7910/AD7910/SDATA27GNDAD7920GNDAD792025SDATACS36TOP VIEWSCLKTOP VIEW(Not to Scale)(Not to Scale)NC45NCVIN 34SCLKNC = NO CONNECT 02976-005 02976-006 Figure 5. 6-Lead SC70 Pin Configuration Figure 6. 8-Lead MSOP Pin Configuration Table 5. Pin Function Descriptions Pin No.Pin No.6-Lead8-LeadSC70MSOPMnemonic Description 6 3 CS Chip Select. Active low logic input. This input provides the dual function of initiating conversions on the AD7910/AD7920 and framing the serial data transfer. 1 1 VDD Power Supply Input. The VDD range for the AD7910/AD7920 is from 2.35 V to 5.25 V. 2 7 GND Analog Ground. Ground reference point for all circuitry on the AD7910/AD7920. All analog input signals should be referred to this GND voltage. 3 8 VIN Analog Input. Single-ended analog input channel. The input range is 0 to VDD. 5 2 SDATA Data Out. Logic output. The conversion result from the AD7910/AD7920 is provided on this output as a serial data stream. The bits are clocked out on the falling edge of the SCLK input. The data stream from the AD7920 consists of four leading zeros followed by the 12 bits of conversion data, which is provided MSB first. The data stream from the AD7910 consists of four leading zeros followed by the 10 bits of conversion data followed by two trailing zeros, which is also provided MSB first. 4 6 SCLK Serial Clock. Logic input. SCLK provides the serial clock for accessing data from the part. This clock input is also used as the clock source for the AD7910/AD7920 conversion process. N/A 4, 5 NC No Connect. Rev. C | Page 9 of 24 Document Outline FEATURES APPLICATIONS FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS SPECIFICATIONS AD7910 AD7920 TIMING SPECIFICATIONS TIMING EXAMPLES TIMING EXAMPLE 1 TIMING EXAMPLE 2 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ESD CAUTION PIN CONFIGURATIONS AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS TERMINOLOGY CIRCUIT INFORMATION CONVERTER OPERATION ADC TRANSFER FUNCTION TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM ANALOG INPUT DIGITAL INPUTS MODES OF OPERATION NORMAL MODE POWER-DOWN MODE POWER-UP TIME POWER VS. THROUGHPUT RATE SERIAL INTERFACE MICROPROCESSOR INTERFACING AD7910/AD7920 TO TMS320C541 INTERFACE AD7910/AD7920 TO ADSP-218x AD7910/AD7920 TO DSP563xx INTERFACE APPLICATION HINTS GROUNDING AND LAYOUT EVALUATING PERFORMANCE OUTLINE DIMENSIONS ORDERING GUIDE