LT1713/LT1714 UUWUAPPLICATIO S I FOR ATIOHysteresis LT1713/LT1714 are completely flexible regarding the ap- Another useful technique to avoid oscillations is to provide plication of hysteresis, due to rail-to-rail inputs and the positive feedback, also known as hysteresis, from the complementary outputs. Specifically, feedback resistors output to the input. Increased levels of hysteresis, how- can be connected from one or both outputs to their ever, reduce the sensitivity of the device to input voltage corresponding inputs without regard to common mode levels, so the amount of positive feedback should be considerations. Figure 2 shows several configurations. tailored to particular system requirements. The 100k Q 50k VIN + Q Q 50Ω 50Ω LT1713 V + IN + VIN + – LT1713 LT1713 50Ω – Q VREF – VIN – 50k V+ = 5V Q Q V– = –5V 50Ω VHYST = 5mV 100k (ALL 3 CASES) 171314 F02 Figure 2. Various Configurations for Introducing Hysteresis 10